Data Discrepancy Investigator
1000 XP
To make approx 500$ using minecraft you must first know what in minecraft could be so valuable. The answer is cape accounts, the more capes the higher the price, each minecon cape can add anywhere from 200 to 400 dollars of value to an account. Therefore, accounts with multiple capes will sell for double that. If you sell them slightly below what they are worth, they are really easy to get rid of. The only problem is that they can be decently hard to acquire, but that is where this method comes in. There are three main branches you can go by to make the money, the first one is purely based off of luck, this branch is generally used if the target has been very inactive and there is no way to contact them. The second branch is less ethical and requires some more skills. Despite this it is still very doable. And the third branch (once you have acquired the account) is scamming the people you sell it to. I will not provide information on how that is done since i do not agree with people who scam. But the possibility exists. General:
The first step is to find a valuable cape account on a website called, this website allows us to filter for certain capes (keep into consideration that the more recent it is, the less it will take to get into, but at the same time. You will make less money) I usually prefer to search for 2015 minecon capes since the owners are likely inactive, I like the design, and they are somewhat common. Once filtered go to about halfway the number of pages. For 2015 capes there are 66 pages, so we will go to page 37. Once on the page look for an account which preferably contains sensitive information of the user for example if someones name was Felix Minecraft and their account name was FelixMinecraft123, other accounts which can help the next step are accounts which contain the phrases “team”, “yt”, orr “club” for example “Wolf_Team_69” or “Lego_gamer_yt” the last useful type of name is a very long unique name, something such as “flyingplatipi97”.
Once you have found the name you wish to obtain (the less name changes better) you must do as much research as possible, preferably borderline doxixing, one very efficient way to do this using just google is putting their names within double quotes, this means that their minecraft username will be a string directly in the page source of all websites listed. Because the aim is to obtain ways to contact the player, or their email we can discard websites such as namemc and But you can look through their twitters, youtubes (sometimes youtube has a function to show a business email, and if the owner is somewhat young, they will likely use the same email for that as for their minecraft) maybe you can find a discord, it all helps.
Branch 1 (Lower skilled, no social engineering, will take longer.):
Essentially, once you have found the email you can search if the email has been breached on “” this website does not only provide you with whether or not the email has been breached, but also the password, if you get lucky you can get the email:password to the minecraft account, maybe to the email, etc.
Branch 2:
You can make some malware which steals minecraf accounts, user passwords etc, contact the owner of the minecraft account whichever way you can, and once you have their passwords, you can log in, change the email on the accounts, and delete the dispute link.
After that you can sell the accounts on different marketplaces, but one good one is “”
Edit: mctrades old and outdated, try instead to get rid of the accounts
I do believe this method has potential of becoming automated. It takes some time, but the money is guaranteed + you choose if bitcoin, paypal etc.
Edited by Xefer, 09 January 2022 - 09:27 PM.
The first step is to find a valuable cape account on a website called, this website allows us to filter for certain capes (keep into consideration that the more recent it is, the less it will take to get into, but at the same time. You will make less money) I usually prefer to search for 2015 minecon capes since the owners are likely inactive, I like the design, and they are somewhat common. Once filtered go to about halfway the number of pages. For 2015 capes there are 66 pages, so we will go to page 37. Once on the page look for an account which preferably contains sensitive information of the user for example if someones name was Felix Minecraft and their account name was FelixMinecraft123, other accounts which can help the next step are accounts which contain the phrases “team”, “yt”, orr “club” for example “Wolf_Team_69” or “Lego_gamer_yt” the last useful type of name is a very long unique name, something such as “flyingplatipi97”.
Once you have found the name you wish to obtain (the less name changes better) you must do as much research as possible, preferably borderline doxixing, one very efficient way to do this using just google is putting their names within double quotes, this means that their minecraft username will be a string directly in the page source of all websites listed. Because the aim is to obtain ways to contact the player, or their email we can discard websites such as namemc and But you can look through their twitters, youtubes (sometimes youtube has a function to show a business email, and if the owner is somewhat young, they will likely use the same email for that as for their minecraft) maybe you can find a discord, it all helps.
Branch 1 (Lower skilled, no social engineering, will take longer.):
Essentially, once you have found the email you can search if the email has been breached on “” this website does not only provide you with whether or not the email has been breached, but also the password, if you get lucky you can get the email:password to the minecraft account, maybe to the email, etc.
Branch 2:
You can make some malware which steals minecraf accounts, user passwords etc, contact the owner of the minecraft account whichever way you can, and once you have their passwords, you can log in, change the email on the accounts, and delete the dispute link.
After that you can sell the accounts on different marketplaces, but one good one is “”
Edit: mctrades old and outdated, try instead to get rid of the accounts
I do believe this method has potential of becoming automated. It takes some time, but the money is guaranteed + you choose if bitcoin, paypal etc.
Edited by Xefer, 09 January 2022 - 09:27 PM.