Altcoin Hunter
400 XP
I have recently obtained an account with various URS skins, including Black Alistar, which I've heared is rather expensive, account is verified to me and Inactive since January 2017. Here are some other stats, just looking for a value on the account, PM me if you're interested in it. (I'll go first with trusted users, looking for btc or PP)
Skins (Obtained dates blocked to prevent stealing) - Champs (Dates blocked again) - Stats - (its has refunds (not sure why it says 0) and it is verified to me)
Match History - Loot -
Skins (Obtained dates blocked to prevent stealing) - Champs (Dates blocked again) - Stats - (its has refunds (not sure why it says 0) and it is verified to me)
Match History - Loot -