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Cyber Defense Engineer
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LEVEL 2 900 XP
Hey all,
Hope you all are great. Here is some free money for you guys. Have fun ;)
You might be thinking, “eWhoring? Really? Isn’t that for skids?” You’re right; it is mostly used by skids. However this method is completely different. Fortunately for us, there are a lot of people that are about 40 years old and have never even touched a pussy in their life. These 40 year olds sit on Chat Avenue and message every girl they can see, I’m sure you’ve seen them before - we are going to make money off of them.
What is eWhoring?
eWhoring is an online way of pretending to be a female and selling desperate men things to get their money. Many people think eWhoring is when you only sell pictures and camshows, this is wrong. I’ve even seen people selling ‘used’ knickers to men on Chat Avenue – that’s the real type of eWhoring.
Choosing your eWhore
Now we are going to have to choose our eWhore, this is all up to personal preference. Do you want your eWhore to be blonde, brunette, or redhead? Do you want her to white, black, or mixed race? Whichever appeals to you most, go for it. I personally chose a blonde girl with a young looking body and face, it turns those paedophile’s on – and that’s who you’ll get the most money out of. Below is an example of the eWhore I chose:

Do you see why it would appeal to potential buyers?
We are going to be making our very own site, and pretend to be an escort. You can also add a camera show and picture service on your site if you want to get buyers from overseas. You may be wondering, ‘what is an escort?’ and to be perfectly honest – there practically expensive legal prostitutes. And when I say they are expensive, they are expensive.
Go onto Google and lookup your closest escort service – after a few quick searches I have found that for an in call it’s £300 an hour, and for an outcall it’s £350 an hour. Overnight is about £1,500. The more hours you buy the more discounts you get. (E.g. £350 for 1 hour, £550 for 2 hours – you save £200) you’re not going to want to charge this high because these are professional businesses, with multiple escorts. You are going to be running a single business, so consider around £200 for in calls and £250 for outcalls. Or if you want to be even cheaper and get more clients, you can charge less.
Once they pay, you’ll need to find out a way of avoiding meeting them, look near the bottom of this eBook for more information on how to do that.
So just imagine how much you could make. About 6/10 people will be interested in your prices & escort service – and if each person buy’s 1 hour, you’ve just made yourself your first thousand. That wasn’t hard at all was it? I made my first £1,200 in less than 24 hours, which is quite amazing as I was hardly even trying too much.
So, in conclusion – the method is practically making a website and pretending to be an escort on it, now here comes the social engineering part: You are going to tell your client that you require the money upfront due to recent attacks / rapes / robberies aimed at escorts specifically, (if you’d like to make it sound a little more legit, you could say you require an initial deposit of %60 or so, and then they may not feel so sketchy about going through with it).
I always get my victims to send me the money through Amazon Gift Certificates to my email and I claim that I need it because I want to buy a new handbag from there. It usually works like a charm because most of them / if not all of them have credit cards which they can use to buy the gift certificate. Not all of them have PayPal.
Making your website
Here’s an example of my personal site – check it out to give you a rough idea on what I’m talking about. I used wix.com to design and host my site. I would recommend it, although it costs a bit, you’ll make it back for sure. http://www.ameliajsimpson.com/http://www.ameliajsimpson.com/
Do you see what I mean now? I get around 8-10 people a day contacting me via the contact form wanting to meet up and get a few hours with me. This is practically autopilot – I just play PS3 or go out while money’s rolling in!
Making your Fake ID.
Now were not actually going to making a fake id – but we will need to name our eWhore, choose our pictures and age, location etc. You have to make a completely new identity specifically for your eWhore.
I went with a fairly posh name that isn’t very common – ‘Amelia’ then I went with a common English surname which was ‘Johnson’ the email I used was basically just
[email protected]’ for example, if you called your eWhore Hannah Jones or something, you could call it ‘[email protected]’.
After looking at my eWhores face and body I decided to age her 19 years old. You can do whatever age you like, but make sure your eWhore actually looks the age she claims to be. You don’t want to get a 60 year old woman and say she’s 21. As stupid as these 40-year-old virgins are, they do have some brain in there somewhere.
Are you having trouble making your victim pay the initial deposit perhaps?
First, if at any point you are struggling to get your victim to pay the initial deposit, show him the image below to prove what you are claiming happens really does happen. This should reassure him that you’re not scamming him in any way:

The more visitors you are getting to your site – the more potential customers you will be getting – which can only mean more money. The main way to get customers onto your site is by spamming chat rooms where you know there are desperate men. My personal favourite is chat avenue teen chat. However, I have listed a bunch of sites below which you can use, they all work great. If you want more, just search up ‘teen chat rooms’ on Google.
Chat Websites
There’s hundreds more too, just Google ‘teen chat rooms’ other chat rooms work too such as singles chat rooms or adult chat rooms.
To really get the most money and maximise your profits you’ll need to actually become your eWhore. Now, by this I don’t mean sneak into your mother’s room and dress up in her clothes, remember this is online whoring. So everything we do is online. What I mean by becoming your eWhore is speaking like your eWhore, and acting like how a girl would act.
E.G a boy would say; ‘oii dats sick bruv lool come we go dere!’
However a girl: ‘omgg! That sounds quite cooll you know! I’d love to go theree x’
As you can see I put a few girly type words like ‘omgg’ and put an ‘x’ at the end. I also let the words run on a bit, as I have noticed that when girls are flirting they sometimes double tap, e.g ‘love youu babee!’ is an example. Do you see what I mean?
There’s many ways to get out of meeting your client – my personal favourite is that when I was there in the car another car crashed into me and I suffered a few minor burns on my leg and need to be in hospital for a while.
However, you could also say a family relative died and that you need to fly out to Holland or somewhere else to go to their funeral.
If you have agreed to travel to someone across the world, e.g. from the UK to the US – I tell them that I lost my passport in the airport and they won’t let me fly out.
There’s thousands of ways to get out of meeting, just use your imagination and put your creativity skills to use.
Here’s where you can find your eWhore – download this great picture pack here:
http://www.gamefront.com/files/serv...front.com/files/service/thankyou?id=21347574- Go on the picture packs and you will notice that there is many different packs you can use – now find your eWhore, save the pack in an easy accessible place and use it when you need to.
Well, that’s about it. I hope you enjoyed reading this eBook and I hope even more that you have made a nice amount of money by using the method. Please vouch, thanks!

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