Blue Team Operator
400 XP
I've programmed for years and I've tried many languages from ASM right up to OCaml and reached a personal decision as to what the best hacking programming languages are.
1. C
2. Perl
3. Shell Script
I nominated C(and not C++) because the language is simple and it has a simple standard library and low level access to the hardware. Plus C usually comes with a decent compiler and linker for building whatever you need.
I nominated Perl because big parts of the language are an open book so you can hack out solutions that seem impossible in other languages. Perl has extensive documentation(for free, no books needed) and its loaded on Linux.
I nominated shell script because its available on all computers and is basically a gateway to the operating system.
1. C
2. Perl
3. Shell Script
I nominated C(and not C++) because the language is simple and it has a simple standard library and low level access to the hardware. Plus C usually comes with a decent compiler and linker for building whatever you need.
I nominated Perl because big parts of the language are an open book so you can hack out solutions that seem impossible in other languages. Perl has extensive documentation(for free, no books needed) and its loaded on Linux.
I nominated shell script because its available on all computers and is basically a gateway to the operating system.