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Beginners Guide - Cracking and How to Make a Profit
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If you already have experience cracking, this guide is not for you
What is cracking?
- Cracking is the process of taking a combo list and a proxy list and running them through a tool in order to find some sort of account.
What accounts can you get?
- The possibilities are endless. There are always new sites being made every day and new methods people find to make a profit cracking accounts.
What is a combo list?
- a combo list usually a text document in the form of email:pass or username:pass. Data is breached from insecure websites and the password hashes are encrypted into text.
What is a proxy list?
- a proxy list is a list of proxies in the form of IP:PORT. They are used to make connections to websites to avoid getting your IP blocked.
How to start
- First you will need to find a website you want to crack. There are a variety of tools available for free on nulled, and on other placed on the market. A good free all in one cracker is OpenBullet. If you want a paid tool I suggest SNIPR (around 20 bucks).
- After getting your tool and config, you will need a combo list. There are free combos on nulled in the combo section, but if you want quality I suggest or datasense.
- Next you will need a proxy list.
- Some sites wont require proxies and you can use a proxyless checker/config
- Most sites will require proxies, so you can download a proxy list off nulled or use a proxy scraper/checker (I released my own tool ProxyScraper on my profile)
- After gathering your tool, combo list and proxy list open the tool and load the information you need and start cracking.
How to make a profit cracking
- Im going to be honest, you arent going to make big bucks starting off cracking. Its going to be a long road and once you have some popularity thats when the money comes in.
- To start off, you are going to just want to use free combos and free proxies. (You can use paid but it might be a challenge making that money back).
- Start off with a few account types that are easy to sell. (Spotify, Dominos, Netflix, Hulu, Food in general, etc.)
- Make a account and set up your shop
- You are going to want to make your prices very cheap at the start.
- If you make your prices high, people are just going to go to their normal reputable seller.
- Start advertising.
- Hire a GUI designer (optional) and make a thread advertising your account shop
- Sell accounts, build rep, ask for vouches and save your money.
- After making some money and building a reputation, you are going to want to invest into some good proxies and some good combos. You will be able to find way more accounts and crack faster and higher quality accounts
- You can gradually raise prices as more sales come in.
-This is basically it, I typed this all in a few minutes to lead new cracker in the right direction. Please lead some feed back on the post and suggest and edits I should make to help more people in the future
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If you already have experience cracking, this guide is not for you
What is cracking?
- Cracking is the process of taking a combo list and a proxy list and running them through a tool in order to find some sort of account.
What accounts can you get?
- The possibilities are endless. There are always new sites being made every day and new methods people find to make a profit cracking accounts.
What is a combo list?
- a combo list usually a text document in the form of email:pass or username:pass. Data is breached from insecure websites and the password hashes are encrypted into text.
What is a proxy list?
- a proxy list is a list of proxies in the form of IP:PORT. They are used to make connections to websites to avoid getting your IP blocked.
How to start
- First you will need to find a website you want to crack. There are a variety of tools available for free on nulled, and on other placed on the market. A good free all in one cracker is OpenBullet. If you want a paid tool I suggest SNIPR (around 20 bucks).
- After getting your tool and config, you will need a combo list. There are free combos on nulled in the combo section, but if you want quality I suggest or datasense.
- Next you will need a proxy list.
- Some sites wont require proxies and you can use a proxyless checker/config
- Most sites will require proxies, so you can download a proxy list off nulled or use a proxy scraper/checker (I released my own tool ProxyScraper on my profile)
- After gathering your tool, combo list and proxy list open the tool and load the information you need and start cracking.
How to make a profit cracking
- Im going to be honest, you arent going to make big bucks starting off cracking. Its going to be a long road and once you have some popularity thats when the money comes in.
- To start off, you are going to just want to use free combos and free proxies. (You can use paid but it might be a challenge making that money back).
- Start off with a few account types that are easy to sell. (Spotify, Dominos, Netflix, Hulu, Food in general, etc.)
- Make a account and set up your shop
- You are going to want to make your prices very cheap at the start.
- If you make your prices high, people are just going to go to their normal reputable seller.
- Start advertising.
- Hire a GUI designer (optional) and make a thread advertising your account shop
- Sell accounts, build rep, ask for vouches and save your money.
- After making some money and building a reputation, you are going to want to invest into some good proxies and some good combos. You will be able to find way more accounts and crack faster and higher quality accounts
- You can gradually raise prices as more sales come in.
-This is basically it, I typed this all in a few minutes to lead new cracker in the right direction. Please lead some feed back on the post and suggest and edits I should make to help more people in the future