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Before you buy any account on Nulled


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LEVEL 1 300 XP
Hello, I decided to write this guide because many people don't understand how cracking and selling cracking accounts works.
Before I start, I would like to say some stuff (tl;dr).
There is no such thing as a private database.
LoL, accounts can't remain forever. The only ones will be your main or the one you just created.
No cracked account can be true forever.
Don't blame the seller for selling you an account that dies after week, days, months, or years; the seller can't predict when the account will die.
Buy at your own risk.
So, if you want to know more and you're not here just for the tl;dr.
You might find a database that only you or few people have found, with HQ accounts inside that you can't find publicly, but keep in mind a few things.
You can't make this database truly 100% private, with only you or certain people having access to it, if you post accounts. Those accounts will be public and will be used as a tool for making new combos.
You don't know the user behind the email/user:pass.
You don't know who sits behind the email/user:pass and you will probably never know. You don't know his goals his interests, so you don't know what to expect from the account.
Even if your DB has never leaked because you're the owner or it's deep on the internet,
whoever you sell the accounts to might use it to crack into another site and publish the account, and if this happens, your DB begins to be public.
Or, if you sell him the DB, he can just make it public.
Since LoL cracking is popular, and the core of Nulled is LoL cracking, many people will crack it, which means you are going to run out of fresh accounts sooner or later.
Why? Because many sites are already starting to become too secure by adding 2FA and Google Captcha, and those things are passed by either Sentry or a custom-made cracker.
We are going to run out of accounts some day.
There will come a day that none of the combos are working because you need his 2FA or his IP to log in.
As said before, no database can be truly private, and the day will come that every database, combo, and account will be public and dead.
So, don't make the seller the bad guy.
Selling accounts always comes at a risk for the seller and the buyer.
The seller might come to the point where he has spent all his money and didn't have anyone to give it to him and replace the stock.
The buyer might get tricked by the scammer, or the issue described up, and he would be screwed as well as the seller.
Finally, you need to know before making any purchase on Nulled, LeakForums, or HackForums that you're purchasing accounts that are obtained by illegal methods.
And, you know that, so don't make it look like we are responsible for everything that happened to the account.
We can't truly keep track of the person behind the account or his actions.
Cracking or Buying accounts is illegal if the owner doesn't agree.
He will never know until you do something or feel that someone hacked his account.
Remember, buy at your own risk.



