Cross-Site Scripting Pro
400 XP
Hi guys,
I've started making configs for openbullet and looks like there are lots of newbies trying to do the same.
This is my first tutorial here, to get the full official application.
If you learned something and want further detailed tutorials on how to make configs, please like the thread! If I get enough likes I will do full detailed tutorials on how to make configs and will be open for doubts/ helping doing configs.
The first step is downloading visual studio (or any c# ide).
You can download the visual studio community version which is also free:
In the installation you have to select ".NET dektop development" like this:
the installation is complete, open visual studio and click Clone or check out code:
we need to official OpenBullet repository, to access if you can go to:
To download the code paste this on the Repository location:
Congratulations! Now you have the official code of OpenBullet!
The next step is to open the solution and compile the code to get the executable!
To do this, change to tab Solution Explorer and then double click on OpenBullet.sln:
you get a "chmod error", just try to build it again.
If all succeed you are good to go
forget to like:
I've started making configs for openbullet and looks like there are lots of newbies trying to do the same.
This is my first tutorial here, to get the full official application.
If you learned something and want further detailed tutorials on how to make configs, please like the thread! If I get enough likes I will do full detailed tutorials on how to make configs and will be open for doubts/ helping doing configs.
The first step is downloading visual studio (or any c# ide).
You can download the visual studio community version which is also free:
the installation is complete, open visual studio and click Clone or check out code:
we need to official OpenBullet repository, to access if you can go to:
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
Congratulations! Now you have the official code of OpenBullet!
The next step is to open the solution and compile the code to get the executable!
To do this, change to tab Solution Explorer and then double click on OpenBullet.sln:
you get a "chmod error", just try to build it again.
If all succeed you are good to go
forget to like: