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Available OG / Semi OG Summoner Names (NA)


Tech Enthusiast
A Rep
A Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
Finishing up my username checker, here are some open semi-ogs, ogs and some dogshit summoners mixed in too. Enjoy.
026 034 037 038 043 044 048 049 050 052 053 054 055 056 059 062 065 074 081 083 086 087 093 094 095 096 125 166 218 236 238 243 245 253 254 257 261 262 263 264 271 273 275 278 279 287 290 291 296 298 304 315 326 328 329 330 331 338 339 344 349 356 359 362 364 366 367 370 371 376 377 381 382 384 390 391 393 394 397 398 418 423 428 433 435 436 439 448 449 452 454 457 459 461 462 465 468 470 472 475 479 482 483 490 491 493 494 496 497 498 499 504 508 529 532 533 534 535 537 538 539 542 543 544 545 548 551 553 554 558 560 564 565 569 572 575 576 577 578 579 581 582 583 585 588 590 591 592 593 596 597 598 599 605 607 608 620 622 624 631 633 634 635 637 642 643 645 648 649 652 653 655 656 657 658 659 663 665 670 671 673 674 681 682 684 685 687 688 691 694 696 697 698 701 705 723 726 729 739 744 745 746 752 756 760 761 764 766 768 771 772 774 782 783 785 788 790 791 792 793 797 816 825 827 833 834 836 837 838 839 841 844 845 850 851 852 854 856 859 861 862 867 871 872 873 878 883 884 885 891 895 896 903 906 913 917 920 922 927 931 934 935 937 938 942 945 948 951 958 959 960 962 976 981 984 985 988 990 994 abaft abalone abdominal ably ABN abolition aborigine abortive aboutface abreast abroad abruptly absentee absently absurdly abysmally accented accrue accusing accustom acquit activism acutely additive adequacy adherent adhesive adjoin adjunct admonish adoptive adroitly adulation adverbial adversely advisable advisor advocacy aerobics affidavit affiliate afloat afterward agitated agonized AIG ailing airbrush Airbus airfare airily airing airstrip Airtel alarmist alderman alimony allclear allocate allot aloft alpenhorn alumna alumnae amazingly amendment amiably amicably anecdotal angling Anglo angular anklet annals annotated announce annuity annulment anoint antacid antennae anthology anxiously anyhow aperitif apoplexy appliance applied appraise apprise aquaria aquifer archway arguable arguably armband armchair armful armhole armoire armory arose arraign arrears ascot askance astrakhan astride astutely athelete atops attache attendant audibly audition auspices avidly awash awhile awning babyhood babysat backing backlog backstop baffling bakeware balaclava balalaika balding balinese ballpoint balmy bandanna bandolier bandstand BANGEM bangle bankbook banknote banquette baptism baptize barbarism barbeque barebones barley barmaid barometer barracks barring barroom barstool bases bashing baton battered batting bawdy Bayer bearable bedding bedpan befallen befell befit befitting begonia beheading behest belated belie bellboy bellow bellows bequeath berate bereaved bereft berth beveled BHP bicyclist bidden bidder bidding bidet biennial bifocal bifocals bigamist bigamy bigoted bigotry BIGUPS bilateral bilingual billfold billionth billow billowy birdcage birdhouse birthmark birthrate bitesized bitterly biweekly blackhead blanch blandly blankly bleakly blearily bleary blockage blotch blotchy blowdry blowout blueeyed bluehalo bluish bluntly blusher boardroom boatload boatyard bobbin Bobolink bodice bodily bodywork boldness bolster bonnet boobytrap bookend bookmaker bookstore boor boorish borrow borrower bossiness botanical botanist bottling bottoms bough Bovid bower bowlegged bowler boycott boyhood bracing braga braise brazenly brazier breastfed bridal bridle briefly briny britches broach broaden broadly broil brooch brought brow brushfire brushoff buckle bugle buildup bulging bulletin bullion bumbling bunion bureau burglary burnish bushel busily busing bustle bustling busybody busywork butchery butte buttock buyout bylaw byway cabaret cackle caftan cagey cajole callously callus calves campanile candidacy candidate canker canned cannery canoeist canopied canteen capon captivity caring carjacker carload Carmax carotene carpentry carpeted carpeting carport carrousel cartilage cartload carton cartridge cartwheel carving casework casing castanets castiron castoff catamaran catapult catching caterer catering Cathay catwalk caucus cede celeriac celibacy cemetery census centenary centrally cervical cesarean cessation chagrin chainstay chaise chasuble chateau chateaux chatty cheapen cheaply checkbook checkroom cheekbone cheque chinos chitchat chockfull choral chose christen churn cinch cistern Citi civics civilly clad clamber clammy clapboard cleancut cleaners cleaning clearing cleat clerical climber clinch clinging clinician cloakroom clod cloister closeknit closeness closeup clothe clothed clumsily clung clutches codpiece coed coercive cogency cohabit coherent colander coldness Coles collate colleague colonist columnist combined comforter committee communal commuter compared compliant comprise concerted concoct condone confines conjugal connote consign consomme construe contents convene convent coolly coolness coopt copier cordon cornmeal corral costar counsel covariate coverall covering covertly cowhand coworker craftily craftsman crammed cravat crazily creaky credenza credible credibly cribbage cricketer crinkle crises crisky crisply crockery croon crooner crossbar croup crudely cruelly ctd1 cupola curable curdle curler currant curtail cutback cutlery cutoffs cutting cymbal daintily Dalian dampen damper dampness Damselfly Danone Dareal DARRICK dartboard daybed daytoday DBS deafness dealing debase debility debrief decanter decor deduct deepen defame defraud deign deluge demerit demur densely depict deplete depose deride detector detente detract devalue devoutly DHL diagnose dialect diaphragm dietician differ dilate dilation dilution dinghy dining dirndl disavow disband discus discuss disfavor dishcloth dismally dissuade distend dither dividend divinely divorcee dizziness DjClue docket dogeared doggedly doggone dogwood dollop dolman domicile doodad doohickey doorpost doorstep doorway dormitory dossier dote doting doubling doubly downright downstate downturn downwind dowry dragster drainage dramatics dramatist dresser dressing drivein dromedary drooping droppings drowsily drudgery druggist drunkenly dryer dryly dryness dsfgf duds duffel dullness duplexer during dutifully dwarves dwelling dwelt dwindle dynamism eagerly eagerness eagleeyed earache earlier earnestly earnings earphone earplug earring earshot earthworm easterly easterner eastwards eatable eatery eave ebullient ecologist economize Edeka edgewise editorial effusive EFL eightieth ejector elation elbowroom ELDRIDGE electoral elongate elopement embattled embezzle embezzler embitter emblazon emboss embossed embossing embroider embroil emergence eminently emirate emphases employ emporium enclosure encroach endorse endow endowment energies Engie engrossed enormity enquiry ensconce enshrine ensuing enthuse entirely entitle entrant entrap entreat entreaty enunciate enviously epaulet epauliere ephemeris epileptic episodic epistle equable equine equipment erudition escalate espalier espouse estimable estuary etymology eunuch evacuee evenly evenness eventful exacting excavate excesses excitable excrete excusable exhibit expectant expedite expend expenses expertly exporter expressly extensive eyelashes eyelid eyelids eyeopener eyesight eyesore eyestrain eyeteeth eyetooth facelift facsimile failsafe falsehood famously fanciful fanlight farcical farflung farmyard faroff farther farthest fastened fastener fatally fatherly fatten fatuous fedelini federate feedbag fencing ferryboat fete fetter fetters feverish fiancee fibber fibre fibrous fidget fidgety fieldtest fiftieth figurine filament Filla filmy finagle finely firstly fishbowl fishnet fitful fitting flagging flagrant flagship flashbulb flatboat flatly fleck fleshy flighty flogging floodlit flooring flounce flout fluently flunky fluoride follicle foment fondly foothold footing footpath footwear forborne forcefed forcible forcibly forearm forebear forehand foremost foresaw foretell forewarn forgone forsook forswore forwent fourthly foxglove foyer frazzle freehand freeload freeplay freerange freighter freshen freshly fretful Freudian Fri frigate frock frond frugally fruitful fullblown fullscale fumbling fumigate funding fungal funnies furnished fusarium futilely gaily gainful gait gaiters galley Galliform gamebird gangling gangway gaping garbled garish garment garrulous garter gaseous gasket gastric gaudy gawky Gayal genealogy genera genial genteel genuflect geriatric gerund gestation gimmicky ginkgo girdle glamorize gland glandular gleefully gliding glowering glowingly glumly glycerin gnawing goatherd gobbler gocart goddamned godmother godparent gofer goingover goingson Goldman gotten gradation gradual gradually grandly grandmom granular granule grasping grate grater grating gratis greatly greet griddle gripping gristle groan Groat grocer grossly groundhog grounding grounds grouper grouping grovel grownup grudging gruffly Guanaco guano guarantor guaranty guardedly guestbook guidebook guided guideline guiltily gullet gumshoes gunnysack Gurbs1 gurgling gyrate gyration habitable habitual hacienda hackwork hailstone hairdo hairnet hairpiece Halibut hallmark halve hamaki handbook handcuff handlebar handout handsaw handson hangar hangeron hangerson hangup hanker happened harangue hardball hardboard hardline hardliner harelip hasbeen hatbox hatchback haunches having HAWK86 headboard headed headgear heading headland headlong headrest headroom headset headway headwind heaping hearing hearsay hearten heartily heatedly heavily heliport hemline hereby heredity herein herewith Herring highlevel hilltop hilly himalayan Hinduism hither hitherto hives hock hokey holding holdover homage homeland homemade homemaker homestead homey homonym honorably honoree hookey hooves horrid horseplay hosiery hostel hotheaded hotly houseboat housefly housesit housetop housing hovel Hoverfly huddled hugely hulking humanely humanize humankind humanly humbling humdrum hunch hundredth hungrily hunker hurried huskiness hydrofoil hygiene hygienic idiocy illegibly imbibe immobile impart implore importer including inclusion increased incurably indecency indelibly indemnify indemnity indicator indices indigence indigent indignity indolence induct inexact infancy infirm informed infringe ingrate inhibited inlaid inlay innards innermost inning inorganic inpatient inquiring insides instep instill insulate insure intercom internist interwove intestate inviting inwardly inwards ironing irrigate irritable irritably ISAIAS Islamic itchiness Jacana jagged jauntily jerkily jeweled jeweler jodhpurs jogging jointly Joril jowls judiciary juggler jumbled jumpsuit junket justly kabams kabin keenness kennel keynote keypunch klomps knead kneejerk knelt knickers knitter knitting knowhow kohlrabi Koran kowtow KPN Kreh Krill Kwanzaa lacquer landform Landfowl landlady landmark landowner lapel larder largely lastditch launder laureate lavatory laxity layover leading leaker leaning leapt leathery lectern lecturer ledger leery leeway legally legalsize legging legibly lengthen lengthy lenient leniently Leopon leprous letup liaise libelous liberally Liche lier lifelike lifesize ligament Limpet limping lined lineman linen linesman liniment linkage lipread lipsynch listing litigate livable Lloyds loaves locale locality locally lodge lodging loggia logging logjam loincloth Londo longhand longterm loosen loudness loutish lowbrow lowcal lowdown lowly lowlying lowpaid loyally lucidly Lukoil lumberman Lungfish luridly Lutheran luttuce lynching macrame madwoman mainland mainstay majorly malaria managed mandate manganese manhandle manhunt manicure manifesto manmade manned mannish manor mantel mantua manure manx maraca maracas margarine margin marinate marital markdown marketer marketing marking markup marquee marshland martinet masc mastiff matchbook maternal maternity matinee matron matronly matted mattock maudlin mawkish MBA McCain meager mealtime meander means meantime mechanism medalist meddle Medicaid meekly meekness meeting memorably memoranda menorah menstrual menswear menthol merger mezzanine microfilm middleman midwife midwives mildness Mildred militant militate milliner millipede minefield minibike minibus minicam miscarry misplace misquote misspent mistook mistreat miter mixedup MMyers Mobil moccasins modeling modifier mohair molehill mollify mollusk monastic monogram monorail moodily moonscape moor mooring morally mortally mortgage mortuary motheaten motherly motif motley motorcar motorist mottled mound mounting movable mown MTV mucous mucus muddle muddled mugging mukluk munitions murderess musing muster mutate mutely mutinous mutually myanmar nagging nailbrush naively namely narration narrowly nasal nasally nastily NatWest naughtily nauseate nauseated navel navigable neatly neatness necktie negligee nervously netball netbook netsuke netting neuroses neuter newly newlywed newlyweds newness newsboy newscast newsman newsprint newsy nextdoor nicety niggling nightgown ninetieth nitpicker nobly nodded noisily nominally nominee nondairy nonsmoker nonverbal Nordea northerly nosedive notably nourish NTT numbness numeracy numerate numerical numerous nunnery nuptial nuptials obeisant obituary objector obligate obliging oboe oboist obstinacy obtrusive occupancy occupied octagonal oddness oeuvre offender officiate offpeak offramp offshoot offstage oiled oilfield olden oldest ombudsman oncology oncoming onerous onetoone onramp onrush onwards openair openended opener openly openness operable operatic operating optician optometry orate oration oratory orderly organist oriented originate ornately orthodoxy ought outbid outdid outdo outdone outgrew outgrow outgrowth outing outlay outlying outmoded outnumber outrigger outright outshone outskirts outspoken outwardly outwards outweigh ovarian overalls overcame overdid overdo overdraw overdrawn overdrew overeat overeaten overhand overhang overhear overly overrate overrule overseen overshoot overshot overstep overt overview OzBoss packaging padding pageant palate palatial pallor palpably pamphlet Panek paneling panelist panicky pannier panpipe Pantene papacy papal papergirl paraffin parchment parental parkway parlor partly partridge pastoral pasture patently paternal patina patio patrimony patter paunchy payee payload payTV pedagogy pedantry pediatric pedometer peephole pekinese penal penalize penknives penlight pennant pennon perfumery perjure perjury personae perspire peruse petticoat pferry Pfizer picayune pickax picket piddling pidgin pigtail piling pinafore pincers pinchhit pinhole Pinniped pinstripe pinup piously piping piquancy pitching pittance pizzeria Pkwy placard placid placidly planning plated plateful plating platter playpen playroom pleat pled plenary pliant pliers plod plodding plough plover plumage plumbing pocketful podiatry podium poetess poignance pointed pointedly polenta pollster pollutant polyester polyp pomposity ponderous poohpooh poorly populace popularly populate populist porch portend portent portfolio porthole portico portrayal postbox postdate posterior postulate potbelly pounding powdery powerboat powwow predate preempt preen prejudge premiere prenatal preoccupy prepared presently preserves pressing pressroom prettily previous prewar primp printed printing printout privation privatize probing prodding prof prognoses promoter prompting promptly prong pronounce proofread propagate propel properly prophesy prostrate protester protrude proudly provided provident provider provost prow pruner psychoses pubic publicity publicize publicly publisher puerile pulley punishing punitive purchaser Puritan purport purser pushcart quadruped qualifier quarterly quartet quaver queensize quickest quintuple quotable raceway racial racially racing racquet radically ragged ragweed railing railway raiment rakishly Ramadan rambling ramie rancher ranching raring rationing raucously rawhide reactant readable readily readiness readjust readymade rearend rebuff rebut rebuttal recapture receiver receptive recite reclining recourse redcoat redevelop redid redouble reeducate reelect reenact refectory referenda refinance refinery refinish refuel refurbish refusal regroup rehash reimburse reinstate reissue rejoin rejoinder reliably relocate remains remodel remotely removable remover renege renewable renter repaid replete replied repossess reproach repulsion resale rescuer reserves reside residency restate restive resurface retailer retainer retaken rethought retinue retiree retiring retook retouch retread retrial retrieve returnee revalue reveler reviewer rewrote rhubarb richly ridden riddled rightly rigidity rigidly rigmarole rind ringed ringlet ringside rinkydink riverbed roadblock roadway rode roofing roomful roomy rootless rosebush ROTC rotor rotunda roundup roundworm rousing roving rowing rubbed rubbery rubdown rubella rubric rung runin runnersup runnerup saddlebag safely safflower salaried sallow salon sameness sampan sander sanitary sanitize sarong SASE satiny satirist satirize saviour Sawfish sawmill scabies scads scaffold scalding scaly scarcely scarves schlocky schmaltz schmooze schooner scoff scolding scorer scores scow scraggly scrapbook scrip scrounge scruples seabed seaboard seacoast seafarer seaplane seating secede secondly secrete sectional securely sediment seeder seeming seems selfhelp selves semester semifinal seminar seminary senility sensibly sepal servile settler settlers sextant shackle shakedown shakeup shakily shapely sharkskin shaver shearling sheathe sheaves sheepskin shelve shelving shinbone shingle shipload shipyard shoat shoddily shok shooin shookup shootdown shopper shoreline shortage shorten showing showroom showy shrank shrewdly shrivel shrunken shuteye sickbed sickle sidebar sidecar siding Siemens signboard signing silken simulator singlesex singly sinkhole sinus sinusitis sisterly sitin situp sixtieth skindeep skullcap slalom slapdash slavish sleepwear slid slipup slobber sloppily slung smackdab smallest smartness smelly smoggy smokefree smuggling smugness sneaking sneer snit snobbery snobbish snorer snowplow snowsuit sobering soberness socalled sociable socially sodden softball softening soiled solemnly solidly soluble solvable someplace someway sonsinlaw sopping sorely soreness sourly sourness sourwood spacesuit spandex spangle spaniel speckled speedily spelt spending spindly spittoon splay Spoonbill spoonfeed sporting sportsman sprang sprawled spume spurn sputter squalid SSE stabbing staffer staffing staging stagnate stairway stairwell stampede stanch standin stands starchy stared starface startup Statoil stature steeply steering stems sterility sternly stiffen stiffly stilt stinking stipend stirrup stockade stockpile stockroom stockyard stodgy stolidly stood stopgap stopover stoppage storeroom stoutness stowaway strained strapless stretcher strew stridden stringent strode strove strung studded studies stumbling stunk stupefied stutterer stymie sublet submerge subsidize subsidy subsist subtly suburban succinct sugarcoat suitably sullenly sunbathe sunbonnet sunburned sundial sunlamp sunlit sunroof sunroom sunup supremely surcharge surliness surmise surname surrogate swath sweatsuit swimsuit swinging Swordtail swung syllable syllabus synod tableware tabloid tabulate tacit tacitly Tahr tailgate tailspin taking Talmud tambour tankful tanned tapdance tapered Tarao tariff tarp tarry taster tautly tawdry tawny taxable taxpayer teaching teamster tedium teenaged teepee teeter teethe Telcel Telecom telethon teletype televise TELUS tenancy tenement tenseness tenuous tenure Terell Tern terrace terribly terrier tersely testdrive textile thereby thereof thermals these thicken thicket thickly thighbone thinly thinner thirdrate thirstily thirtieth thou thrashing throaty throve thumbtack thyroid ticker tidewater tighten tightness Tiglon tiling timbale timetable timidity timidly tinged tingling tiredness tireless tiresome tiring titillate toandfro toboggan toddle toggle togs tollbooth tollgate toothache toothsome topcoat torchiere toreador tossup totter toughen tourism tousle towards towering trachoma tracksuit tradein tradeoff transom travels trawl treasury treated treeless trefoil triathlon trifling trodden troupe trowel truckit truckload truncated tubing tufted tunic turbojet turgid turnout turnpike tutoring twelfth twine twinsize typeface typist ubiquity ugliness ulcer umpteen unabated unbeaten unbutton unclean underarm underside undertake undertone undertook underwent undid undue unduly unease uneasily unequal unequally unerring unfasten unfurl unheardof unhook unibody unionize unkindly unmoved unnerve unpack unpaid unplugged unroll unscrew unseat unseemly untangle untie untiring untoward untried unwieldy upend upfront uphold upholster upkeep upright upstream uptodate upturn urbane Urial urination USA123 usefully uteri uvula vagueness Vakuto valuables vapidity varied velvety vender veneer ventilate veranda vestment videodisc viewing violist visavis viscose visibly visor Vneck vocation vortices vulgarity wages waistline Walkman walkout walkup walkway wallboard wampum wane wardroom wares warily warmly warmup washboard washbowl wasteful watchband waterbed waterski waterway waxiness weakly wean weaponry wearily webfooted wedlock weekender weirdness wellbeing wellbred welloff wellread welltodo welter westerly whaling wharves whereby wherein whether whipping Whitefish wickedly wideeyed widely widen wield Wildfowl wildly willfully willingly willpower windage windbag windbreak windburn windpipe windsock windsurf winery wingtip winnings wiring wisecrack wistfully withhold withstood witticism womanhood womanly wooded woodwork woolens wording workable workbench workbook workfare workforce workings worklife workload wornout worsen wouldbe wrapped wrapping wringer wrinkled writein writeoff writeup writhe wrongdoer wrought wrung wryly Xerinae Yaazz yachtsman yardage yardstick yarmulke yearbook yearning Yiddish yielding yodeler youthful YWCA Ziakas ziggurat Zolda



