Knowledge Graph Expert
900 XP
Hi guys, today i'm gonna show you a method where you just have to put the script in console and let the window of browser opened.
Leave a green feedback if you really appreciate me or method, i'm not force you if not.
For questions just send me a PM on forum.
1. Register here ->
2. Put the script (below) in your console using Ctrl+Shift+J in browser, paste and ENTER. Now you have to wait to earn bitcoinssssss
3. Don't move mouse if you let the window opened.
4. And keep it fullscreen, you can minimize it.
5. Enjoy your free profit, you can request withdraw after you did $1 , no need investment !!
function mouseEvent(type, sx, sy, cx, cy) {
var evt;
var e = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: (type != "mousemove"),
view: window,
detail: 0,
screenX: sx,
screenY: sy,
clientX: cx,
clientY: cy,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false,
button: 0,
relatedTarget: undefined
if (typeof( document.createEvent ) == "function") {
evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.view, e.detail,
e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY,
e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
e.button, document.body.parentNode);
} else if (document.createEventObject) {
evt = document.createEventObject();
for (prop in e) {
evt[prop] = e[prop];
evt.button = { 0:1, 1:4, 2:2 }[evt.button] || evt.button;
return evt;
var a = document.getElementsByClassName("spinner")[0],
b = document.getElementById("speed");
a.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){console.log("clientX:" + e.clientX +", clientY:" + e.clientY +", screenX:" + e.screenX +", screenY:" + e.screenY +", movementX:" + e.movementX);});
function bootRot(x, y){
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mousemove", x, y, x, y));
function bootStart(){
if ((b.innerHTML != "Dragging") && parseInt(b.innerHTML) < 1600){
var xInicial = 0, yInicial = 0;
// "parseInt(b.innerHTML) < 1600": 1600 is the minimum value in RPMs from which the spinner rotates again.
// This value can be edited!
for(var ofParent = a; ofParent; ofParent = ofParent.offsetParent){
xInicial += ofParent.offsetLeft;
yInicial += ofParent.offsetTop;
var bootWidth = xInicial + a.offsetWidth,
bootHeight = xInicial + a.offsetHeight;
var Xs = [xInicial, (bootWidth)/2, bootHeight, (bootWidth)/2], /*[462, 591, 729, 869],*/
Ys = [(bootHeight)/2, yInicial, (bootHeight)/2, bootHeight], /*[77, 77, 77, 77],*/
count = 0, speedBoot = 20;
// speedBoot = 20: Time in milliseconds that the mouse pointer would by points (Xs,Ys) forming a perfect circle.
// This value can also be edited.
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mousedown", Xs[0], Ys[0], Xs[0], Ys[0]));
bootRot(Xs[0], Ys[0]);
bootRot(Xs[1], Ys[1]);
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
bootRot(Xs[2], Ys[2]);
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
bootRot(Xs[3], Ys[3]);
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mouseup", Xs[3], Ys[3], Xs[3], Ys[3]));
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
var bootIntervalId = setInterval(bootStart, 500);
// bootStart, 20: Time in milliseconds to swing reset after reaching the minimum RPM value.
// This value can also be edited.
// It is recommended that greater values for computers that do not have advanced hardware configuration!
function bootStop(){ // bootStop(): Command stops the execution of the script.
Edited by kindakid, 17 August 2019 - 12:03 PM.
Leave a green feedback if you really appreciate me or method, i'm not force you if not.
For questions just send me a PM on forum.
1. Register here ->
2. Put the script (below) in your console using Ctrl+Shift+J in browser, paste and ENTER. Now you have to wait to earn bitcoinssssss
3. Don't move mouse if you let the window opened.
4. And keep it fullscreen, you can minimize it.
5. Enjoy your free profit, you can request withdraw after you did $1 , no need investment !!
function mouseEvent(type, sx, sy, cx, cy) {
var evt;
var e = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: (type != "mousemove"),
view: window,
detail: 0,
screenX: sx,
screenY: sy,
clientX: cx,
clientY: cy,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false,
button: 0,
relatedTarget: undefined
if (typeof( document.createEvent ) == "function") {
evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.view, e.detail,
e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY,
e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
e.button, document.body.parentNode);
} else if (document.createEventObject) {
evt = document.createEventObject();
for (prop in e) {
evt[prop] = e[prop];
evt.button = { 0:1, 1:4, 2:2 }[evt.button] || evt.button;
return evt;
var a = document.getElementsByClassName("spinner")[0],
b = document.getElementById("speed");
a.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){console.log("clientX:" + e.clientX +", clientY:" + e.clientY +", screenX:" + e.screenX +", screenY:" + e.screenY +", movementX:" + e.movementX);});
function bootRot(x, y){
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mousemove", x, y, x, y));
function bootStart(){
if ((b.innerHTML != "Dragging") && parseInt(b.innerHTML) < 1600){
var xInicial = 0, yInicial = 0;
// "parseInt(b.innerHTML) < 1600": 1600 is the minimum value in RPMs from which the spinner rotates again.
// This value can be edited!
for(var ofParent = a; ofParent; ofParent = ofParent.offsetParent){
xInicial += ofParent.offsetLeft;
yInicial += ofParent.offsetTop;
var bootWidth = xInicial + a.offsetWidth,
bootHeight = xInicial + a.offsetHeight;
var Xs = [xInicial, (bootWidth)/2, bootHeight, (bootWidth)/2], /*[462, 591, 729, 869],*/
Ys = [(bootHeight)/2, yInicial, (bootHeight)/2, bootHeight], /*[77, 77, 77, 77],*/
count = 0, speedBoot = 20;
// speedBoot = 20: Time in milliseconds that the mouse pointer would by points (Xs,Ys) forming a perfect circle.
// This value can also be edited.
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mousedown", Xs[0], Ys[0], Xs[0], Ys[0]));
bootRot(Xs[0], Ys[0]);
bootRot(Xs[1], Ys[1]);
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
bootRot(Xs[2], Ys[2]);
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
bootRot(Xs[3], Ys[3]);
a.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent("mouseup", Xs[3], Ys[3], Xs[3], Ys[3]));
}, (count++)*speedBoot);
var bootIntervalId = setInterval(bootStart, 500);
// bootStart, 20: Time in milliseconds to swing reset after reaching the minimum RPM value.
// This value can also be edited.
// It is recommended that greater values for computers that do not have advanced hardware configuration!
function bootStop(){ // bootStop(): Command stops the execution of the script.
Edited by kindakid, 17 August 2019 - 12:03 PM.