400 XP
CHECK SERVER STATUS BEFORE POSTING ERRORS https://go.jooas.com/ Follow my other guide to install Nox with Pokemon Go on pc before doing this tutorial. Tutorial for installing pip, Python, and installing the environmental variable: https://github.com/BurntSushi/nfldb/wiki/Python-&-pip-Windows-installation This is a python script, so you must have python installed and install pip.Google how to install pip if you need to. And make sure to install a python that is 2.7.x. Dont install python 3. Then you install the things in requirements.txt file by opening a command window in the downloaded folder by right clicking while holding shift.If you have trouble installing the requirements then it is because you haven't added the environmental variable in path. You can either install the variable or put the python path before the code.
.zip 2)Extract to C:\ so you have C:\\pokemongo-api-demo-maps 3) rename run.sh to run.bat and right click edit 4a) if you have added python path as environment variable then use 4a code. (google how to do this if you want to). Replace the first line of run.bat with either 4a or 4b. Note: Keep the quotations in the code. They are meant to be there. Code:
I know I didn't personally come up with this. Don't flame. I did edit some stuff to make it easier to understand.
Best Auto throw Macros: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-hacks-cheats/562338-nox-throwing-macros.html
Method 1 1) downloadpip install -r requirements.txt
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
4b) Otherwise point to python directory ex: below Code:start cmd /k python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
4c) paste in the following after the first line by adding a space then pasting the following code. Assuming chrome is in the default location. If chrome isnt in the default location, then replace the default with the location of your chrome. Replace username here and pasword here with your credentials obviously.Replace location with gps coordinates in this format:40.764871,-73.972722. Or you can type a city in quotations. Ex:"New York, New York" Try localhost:8000 or if one doesn't work for you. PTC login only. No google logins. Code:start cmd /k "C:\Python27\python.exe" -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
5) open config.json and copy and paste the key below or register for an api key here https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials Code:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe" localhost:8000/index.html --args --disable-web-security --allow-file-access-from-files
python main.py -u username -p password -l location
6) double click run.bat. Once it gets to 100% view your map at http://localhost:8000 Common errors: 4 pokemon in columbus i uploaded with info in data.json. data.json should be empty besides some [ ] Not seeing pokemon or map Do you have two open cmd windows? One with the httpserver running second with the main script running should show the standard login and pokemon within x steps read out. [+] Received API endpoint: https:///rpc [-] API request error, retrying Either PTC or PoGo servers are down Credits: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/pok...eats/562384-auto-updating-pokemon-go-map.html{ "GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY": "AIzaSyAZzeHhs-8JZ7i18MjFuM35dJHq70n3Hx4"
I know I didn't personally come up with this. Don't flame. I did edit some stuff to make it easier to understand.
Best Auto throw Macros: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-hacks-cheats/562338-nox-throwing-macros.html