Operational Technology Auditor
1000 XP
Hi, if you are using volibot you know that it crashes all the time and that makes me sad.I codded a bat file into AutoRestarter.All you need is to change exe names.Dont change WerFault.exe because when volibot crashes you need WerFault.exe to understand your volibot is crashed so dont change it
Open a txt file copy the code below and change exe's and other folder settings(dont use space in folders and exes).And save as bat.
then calculate the time like i prefer to restart manually every 1h so im using 3600x10000=1h you can change it or delete the counter.
then start cmd as admisintrator and start your bat file.Thats it..
@ off
set counter=0
set /a counter=%counter%+1
if %counter% equ 3600 (
start Taskkill /im "VBN.exe" /f
set counter=0
echo looper start %counter%
tasklist|find /i "VBN.exe">nul
set err1=%errorlevel%
set ctrl=0
if %err1% equ 1 (echo VBN.exe not found
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
start C:\Users\Krugi\Desktop\Volibot\VBN.exe
set ctrl=1)
tasklist|find /i "WerFault.exe">nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (echo WerFault found
start Taskkill /im "WerFault.exe" /f
ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul
start Taskkill /im "VBN.exe" /f
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
if %ctrl% equ 0 (echo VBN.exe not started
start C:\Users\Krugi\Desktop\Volibot\VBN.exe))
ping -n 1 -w 10000>nul
goto looper
Edited by krugi, 01 September 2016 - 11:56 AM.
Open a txt file copy the code below and change exe's and other folder settings(dont use space in folders and exes).And save as bat.
then calculate the time like i prefer to restart manually every 1h so im using 3600x10000=1h you can change it or delete the counter.
then start cmd as admisintrator and start your bat file.Thats it..
@ off
set counter=0
set /a counter=%counter%+1
if %counter% equ 3600 (
start Taskkill /im "VBN.exe" /f
set counter=0
echo looper start %counter%
tasklist|find /i "VBN.exe">nul
set err1=%errorlevel%
set ctrl=0
if %err1% equ 1 (echo VBN.exe not found
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
start C:\Users\Krugi\Desktop\Volibot\VBN.exe
set ctrl=1)
tasklist|find /i "WerFault.exe">nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (echo WerFault found
start Taskkill /im "WerFault.exe" /f
ping -n 1 -w 1000>nul
start Taskkill /im "VBN.exe" /f
start Taskkill /im "League of Legends.exe" /f
if %ctrl% equ 0 (echo VBN.exe not started
start C:\Users\Krugi\Desktop\Volibot\VBN.exe))
ping -n 1 -w 10000>nul
goto looper
Edited by krugi, 01 September 2016 - 11:56 AM.