Laugh Riot
400 XP
So, I honestly don't know how to say this but, I was at a coffee with 2 friends, we were playing cards, I go to my phone and my background is my dog that disappeared because people from my city didnt like him, he was afraid of humans since he was little and he would bark at anyone but it would not bite, so people cuz of that didnt like my dog and some day my dog just disappears... So continuing, my "friend" looks at my phone and sees that its my dog that disappeared, he started to ask "what photo is that", I said "it's my dog", and this dog was my first ever dog so I loved and cared about the dog every single day, after I said its was my dog he starts do say "It is your dog that disappeared isnt it ahahahah" and starts to make jokes about it, me and my other friend stayed quiet, I think it was the best to do.
What would you do in this situation ?
What would you do in this situation ?