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Annie [Tips - Runes - Mind]


Crypto Ecosystem Analyst
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
Annie, the Child of Darkness . Knowing the champion. Annie is an explosive damage champion, can eliminate ADC's and mids soil easily, however, has a low resistance and can easily handle is out of position. Basic STATISTICS. Life: 384 (+76 per level) Mana: 250 (50 per treatment) Attack damage: 48 (+2625 by level) Attack speed: 0579 (1:36 +% per level) Movement speed: 335 Health Regeneration: 4.5 (+0.55 per level) Mana Regeneration: 6.9 (+0.6 per level) Armor: 8.5 (+4 per level) Magic resistance: 30 (+0 per level) Skills: Pyromancy: Every fourth spell Annie stun the target for 1.75 seconds Tibbers can stun more than one target. Desintegrar¹: Annie shoots a fireball over a short distance, the cost of 60/65/70/75/80 Mana per level of skill, 245 (+ 70% Ability Power) Maximum magic damage. Incinerate Annie cast a cone of fire that deals damage to all enemies in the area of ​​effect, with a cost of 70/80/90/100/110 Mana per level of skill, 280 (+ 75% Ability Power) Maximum magic damage. Cast Shield: Summons a shield (reflect) that deals magic damage to those who achieve Annie with a basic attack, at a cost of 20 mana at all levels, and increasing their armor and magic resistance by 60. Invoking: Tibbers²: Annie gives life to Tibbers bear, causing damage to units in the area. Tibbers can attack and also burn enemies that stand near him. Tibbers comes in a burst of flames, causing 200/325/450 (+ 70% Ability Power) magic damage to enemies in the area alvo.Pelos next 45 seconds Tibbers chasing enemies and causes 35 (+ 20% Power ability) magic damage per second to enemies próximos.Tibbers can be controlled by holding the Alt key with the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability. Grades: ¹: The "Q" Annie is great to farm, because when the skill slaughter a band, your mana is restored, ie, 0 cost It is also great to poke. ²: Tibbers, dat Tibbers, it is great for ambushes with passive in effect, stunning multiple enemies at once while you can use your whole combo of skills: 3 Behavior in phases. During the lane phase, prioritize the farm, always using the Q to last hit and can switch to pokear your route opponent if he gets too close, if you think you may be gankado, always keep the Incinerate to stun the jungle and midlaner , escaping or attempting a double killing. Early in the game, always try to gank the top, as you would be in the lead to 2 vs 1 with physical and magical damage. Blue Golem is very important to Annie, mainly by cooldown reduction. In Team Fights, always try to start from inside the brush with the combo R, W, E, Q, focusing on the adc or midlaner enemy. Runes: In runes, I recommend the following: Magic Penetration marks of 0.87 pen. (x9) Glyph Ability Power 1:19 ap (x9) Ability Power seals after 00:59 (x9) Quintessences Ability Power 4.95 (x3) Overall: 7.8 out of 31 pen and AP Iten set 1: Grades: This build is made for endurance during team fights while maintaining a high ability damage. Iten set2: This build is made for massive damage, totaling 1080 after !!! credits: Ashihiro



