Internal Linking Guru
100 XP
I, myself, have not received any giftcards by using this method, however, I haven't been running the program for long - I shut it after 30 mins cus I'm impatient XD.
Anyways, after a while it will probably stop because you need to login again or the source gets refreshed.
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- This has only been checked for the UK site
1. Go to https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/buy/payselect/handlers/display.html?hasWorkingJavascript=1
2. Enter and Choose Address then go to payment method
3. Open Chrome Developer Tools and head over to Console
4. Insert the provided code
5. Click enter and input the speed and pattern of the codes that will be generated
6. Just relax and wait while the code does eveything for you
I have only tried this code with the amazon.co.uk domain
I can't be asked to make another separate piece of code for other domains - if you're smart enough just use my code as a base and replace strings
Anyways, after a while it will probably stop because you need to login again or the source gets refreshed.
Like this for more This leak has been rated as working ]0 times this month. (1 times in total) This leak has been rated as not working times this month. (1 times in total)