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ALMOST got caught with a knife at school


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I was 12 in 7th grade hanging with bad people, smoking weed, getting into fights etc...(I was a bad kid)
It was normal for me to bring a knife to school sometimes everyday
so basically I flashed my knifes in recess to my friends and I did it many times and nothing happened (I know it was a horrible idea)
So one day I wanted to show this 8th grader who wants to buy my knife and this was behind a portable I take it out of my waistband and show him it then some 8th grader snitch said "YOO IM SNITCHING WTFF" I quickly put the knife into my pocket and said "what knife?!" he said show me ur pockets! I said I don't even have a knife though wtf then I told the guy who wanted to buy my knife what shoud I do? he said to give it to him he will keep it safe but I didn't listen to him and but in deep in my waistband so if someone lifts up my shirt they cant even see it unless they touch me.
So it was art class and people start asking me hey dude how r u, r u doing good, anything wrong? etc...
I ignored and went to class.
15 minutes later into class my principal walks in (my heart was beating so fast I literally thought I was caught red handed)
so he acts casual and talks with my teacher about how hard we work then about 30 seconds later he said "hey can I see (my name) please" I was scared af I stepped up and went in him to the hallway he shook my hand and said " hey i think u know why ur in here, right?" I acted calm as I could and said y..eahh... he said so whats up I explained to him that he thought I had a knife but I didnt have anything so he said ok can u please empty ur pockets and back pockets I did and right after that he said something which sounded like "Can I check ur groint" which meant my boxers
then I said what? he said it again and then I said again what? he said "ur locker" I was relieved and thought I was red handed because at that point I was thinking of an excuse to say that I found the knife then I showed him my locker and he checked my bag and checked the 8th graders pockets and locker.
If this was in U.S he would of called the police first thing and I would get slammed down and tasered and get searched by being touched.
tbh I thought he was gonna call the police first thing but he was a a nice principal and he said I never thought that u would do this (I got away with doing bad things)
Thank God I didn't get caught
Edited by TayK, 21 August 2017 - 05:29 AM.

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