SEO Troubleshooter
300 XP
Super simple but effective. I have used this quite a bit with Viktor mostly.
So first your have to make sure you have color dot turned on in the crosshair section of the settings.
The next thing you want to do is make sure to change the "1920, 1080" to half of your screens resolution. If your display is 3840, 2160 then you will not have to adjust anything in this.
Finally go wreck shit!
Below this it the AHk script, just make a new AHK file and paste this in there.
while true {
PixelGetColor, color, 1920, 1080
if(color == 0x4040FF or color == 0x33B2FF) {
if not GetKeyState("Xbutton2") {
Send {LButton down}
sleep 1
Send {LButton up}
Dont forget to leave a like if this has helped you!
So first your have to make sure you have color dot turned on in the crosshair section of the settings.
The next thing you want to do is make sure to change the "1920, 1080" to half of your screens resolution. If your display is 3840, 2160 then you will not have to adjust anything in this.
Finally go wreck shit!
Below this it the AHk script, just make a new AHK file and paste this in there.
while true {
PixelGetColor, color, 1920, 1080
if(color == 0x4040FF or color == 0x33B2FF) {
if not GetKeyState("Xbutton2") {
Send {LButton down}
sleep 1
Send {LButton up}
Dont forget to leave a like if this has helped you!