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Affiliate Marketing > BuySellAds [Investment 30-50$]


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Let's Start ...
This is my 5th tutorial, for all previous tutorials please check the top of this post. Today I'm going to show you how to start making "small" amount of money each month, this is almost guaranteed to return your investment + extra if you have even slightest clue, complete newbs can replicate this. Please pay attention to the end of the guide, BuySellAds doesnt allow Clickbank links so you'll have to mask them.
Before I proceed to requirements, make sure to have at least 30$-50$ to invest, this technique revolves around paying traffic, there's no way to do this for free so dont be dumb and ask for it.
ClickBank Account ( )
BuySellAds Advertisers Account (
https://buysellads.com )
30$-50$ To Purchase Ad Spot
ClickBank Account
Let's start by creating ClickBank account, to join ClickBank click the above link and simply start by pressing "Sign Up" located at top right corner. This is pretty basic process and is the same for everyone, after you're done adding your informations (real informations otherwise you wont get payed) you will be asked whether you want to be "Vendor" or "Affiliate", you should pick "Affiliate". After you're done you have to confirm your email and you're set to go, do not mind the survey after signing up unless you have free time to complete it, I never did.
BuySellAds Advertisers Account
When you go to BuySellAds you will be presented with a screen showing two options - Advertisers and Publishers.
30$-50$ To Purchase Ad Spot
Click on Get Started under Advertisers.Once you do that you will be presented with a lot of categories. You can also access the categories by clicking on Marketplace.
You will be presented with several categories. For this particular thing that we are doing I feel that the best categories would be Beauty, Health and Pets. There are a lot of products on sites like Clickbank which we can promote.
However, that doesn’t mean that you need to limit yourself with these alone. If you find a good product, come back and search for a site here where you think you can sell it.
I decided to go with the Beauty and Fashion category at https://buysellads.com/buy/beauty-fashion And, these are the sites that were listed in there.
As you can see from the screenshot, the websites listed here are getting insane amounts of traffic – and for just $30- $50 a month you can tap into 600,000+impressions!
I chose Leather Celebrities https://buysellads.com/buy/detail/123499 for my test run.
I paid $60 to run a 300x250 banner for 30 days. (As you can see above, the price is now $80.) Now, since we’re dealing with Beauty and Fashion, I figured it would be wise to
find an affiliate product those appeals to women. The product need not be something that’s in the Beauty and Fashion niche, but it needs to be something that would appeal to the audience. Like you could buy a banner on a tech site and promote something called “Dating for geeksâ€. I haven’t tried that yet.
To take this a step further you can study the target demographic using sites like SimilarWeb or Alexa.
I Searched on ClickBank(http://www.clickbank.com) for a dating offer. I chose this one:
http://makehimdesireyou.com It has a decent gravity and you can make decent money even if one or two of these get sold. The Affiliate page is:
Once you’re on the Affiliate page you’ll find about 4 different products you can promote. Once you decide the one you want to pick, click on it and find "Banners". Next thing you'll see is.
Now let’s head back to Leather Celebritieson BuySellAds and click on the site http://www.leathercelebrities.com.
This is where our banner will display. You’ll notice that a couple of other affiliates are also promoting this offer, so you might want to switch up your offer and choose another Beauty and Fashion site within BuySellAds.
But for now, let’s follow http://www.leathercelebrities.com.
Bam! Do you see our offer there?
A problem that you may face while implementing this
One of the problems that you may face is that BuySellAds won’t approve Clickbank urls. There are some offers to which direct linking isn’t allowed. But there’s a smart workaround this problem.
Just go to http://www.cbae.net/
Enter your Clickbank nickname and that of the vendor’s. Your Clickbank nickname is that which with you login to Clickbank. Finding Vendor nickname is easy. Go back to the offer in the marketplace and click on it, you'll see this pop up.
The vendor nickname is highlighted above. Enter both in Cbae.net and you will get a link that works with BuySellAds. Next, you are going to download the banner from the affiliate page and submit it to BuySellAds, along with your affiliate link. That’s it!
Have Questions?
Do not hesitate to post them in the thread, I'll create FAQ as well to help others.
I got about 1536 clicks in 30 days, and 45 sales. This made me just about $1220 + 1 upsell =$1273 The site’s been around for some time now, and can be very profitable for you if have the right offer and if you use just a little common sense. Dont wait, start working.
If you liked this tutorial, please post to keep it alive. Do not use the same products, do your own research.



