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Advice For Teens


Influence Network Builder
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LEVEL 2 1000 XP
You’re a human being. So are other 7.6 billion people on this planet. Don’t drown yourself in the spiral of unknown depth thinking you’re special than everybody else.
  • Learn the difference between making friends and networking. The latter’s far more important than the former.
  • Choose your friends wisely.
  • Don’t fall into the type of pretentious traps like “Follow your heart” bullshit.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of “Drop out school, become a millionaire” type of bullshit too.
  • People like Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, weren’t stupid like you. They spent countless hours educating themselves and had the risk and drive to truly accomplish their goals.
  • Education is important, even if you chose entrepreneurial path, it’s still fucking important.
  • It’s folly to be prudent all the time. Sometimes a slight ignorance can pull it off better.
  • Don’t be afraid to experience new things, but don’t be indulged in substances, alcohol, cigarettes etc.
  • You may be smart, you may be intelligent, you may be a genius! but there is always someone who is either on the same height or better than you. Get over it.
  • Social media is not worth it. It’s not worth watching someone’s fake life sprayed over your despondent eyes.
  • Seek advice, ask around, think twice before making decisions.
  • Make decisions rationally and not because your parents are shoving you to study medicine or your friend decided to study law.
  • Don’t trust people too easily. Chances are, majority of them will seek advantage from you and stab you in the back.
  • Mental illness is real and if you feel unusual, seek a therapist.
  • Parents are wrong sometimes, but it’s prudent to listen to their advices before taking a step forward.
  • Writing > Reading > Watching TV Shows.
  • You should focus on becoming the best of yourself, do not compare your life with others’.
  • Learn basic money management, I’m serious, I’m not one of the financial gurus.
  • Look after your health. You can control what you consume, drink and indulge.
  • You don’t have to go to a gym to develop abs to impress some girl, frequent sports and exercises on the span of a week is enough.
  • Do something to stand out, but don’t be a person pleaser.
  • Learn something outside academics, example: coding, a new language, cooking etc.
  • Your life is not a fate written by imaginary people.
  • It’s okay to have existential crisis sometimes.
  • Don’t do something for the sake of impressing others.
  • I understand the education system today sucks’, but it’s the best we have.
  • Don’t fall into the traps of reading self help books. No, they won’t make you sound smarter. They’re a bunch of repetitive bullshit that have intentions of nothing but taking money out of your pockets.
  • Before making a decision, it’s wise to sketch out few possibilities and worst case scenarios.
  • Don’t support anything blindly. Have a logical reason backed with you.
  • Don’t be a narcissistic prick.
  • It’s not the 19th Century, things are innovating at a faster pace.
  • Put your damn phone down while speaking with someone. Show them some respect.
  • You are meant to take extraordinary people as an inspiration, not as comparison.
  • Idolize your people wisely.
  • Advice people, only if you’ve been through it and they genuinely want it.
  • Don’t brag.
  • You are who you are, don’t attempt to fit in. You’re not a Russian spy.
  • Don’t waste your time too much on what type of person you are through personality tests and online quizzes. You learn more about yourself as you take a step forward. They are inaccurate most of the time. Avoid BuzzFeed dammit.
  • Dr. Rick Sanchez is right, “Love is nothing but a chemical reaction, it hits you hard and then it slowly fades away…..”
  • Taking a risk is better than feeling guilty about not doing so later. But don’t do stupid things that is worth your life.
  • IQ or EQ is worthless.
  • Be humble most of the times, don’t flatter your ego, kill it instead.
  • Breathe the fresh air around you unless you’re in Shanghai.
  • Don’t fall into the obscure trap of true love. Nobody’s perfect, not even you.
  • Being in a relationship while still a teenager is a way to make mistakes, experience and learn from them, not a way to fantasize about cars, homes, having kids or growing old with them.
  • Wear protection. Don’t get pregnant during your teens. If you can’t properly handle yourself, do you think adding a baby is going to help?
  • Watch Rick & Morty, it’s really good.
  • Don’t follow me.
  • Lastly, masturbation is good sometimes, but don’t get addicted to it and avoid pornography at all times.
Edited by honhonk, 28 April 2019 - 10:29 PM.



