PPC Expert
300 XP
Initial Notes
-Essence Reaver wants you to buy 20% more crit to reach its cap of 30% CDR. Triforce has 10% cdr and 20% crit. These two items were basically designed to fit together like a glove. Triforce ER is an amazing 2 item power spike.
-Ghostblade and Death's Dance give equal AD to Infinity Edge, which was cut down by a whopping 15 AD. They can serve as replacements for an IE in a critless build, or as general damage boosters.
-Crit numbers have been overhauled, and now exist in two types. Gives AD (20%) and Doesn't give AD (30%). These are are clearly meant to be paired in groups of 50%
-Bork has an interesting interaction with Death's Dance (DD) and Lord Dominik's Regards. Both of their effects are "on physical damage", meaning DD will lifesteal off Bork's effects, and LDR will amp them. Taking all 3 leaves you in a bit of a weird place DPS-wise though, as you're really delaying your crit.
-All 3 Kircheis Shard items have different unique passives, meaning they stack, and you can proc all 3 when you're fully charged. Of course, it would be silly to get all 3 since then you're stuck with a Shard in your inventory, but Shiv + Firecanon isn't half bad for a long range 650 magic damage mini-nuke. Also: Because both items have lower attack speed gains than Runaan's and PD, you're less likely to hit the attack speed cap.
-In general, it seems that Runaan's has replaced PD as the default Zeal item, but all Zeal items have their place. Shiv is WAY stronger than it used to be, and PD is great for splitpushing. I'm not entirely sure when you'd buy Firecanon outside of pairing it with a Shiv.
-Death's Dance and the reworked Maw seem to be alternatives to defensive items, giving you some defensive stats, and more damage, much like Mercurial Scimitar. I'm not sure where Maw fits into a build, however, where as Death's Dance can fit in almost anywhere since lifesteal and damage reduction are just good.
-It can be argued, especially with the inclusion of Death's Dance, that Riot is pushing for 5 offensive item builds.
On with the builds
--These are NOT the build orders, just an item list.
--These are neither exhaustive nor definite. This is theorycrafting, not a guide. Plenty of other, and better, builds exist.
--LW is assumed to be Lord Dominik's Regards unless you need a Mortal Reminder.
--Zeal refers to any item that build from Zeal, but generally one of the 30% crit ones, not triforce.
-Essence Reaver wants you to buy 20% more crit to reach its cap of 30% CDR. Triforce has 10% cdr and 20% crit. These two items were basically designed to fit together like a glove. Triforce ER is an amazing 2 item power spike.
-Ghostblade and Death's Dance give equal AD to Infinity Edge, which was cut down by a whopping 15 AD. They can serve as replacements for an IE in a critless build, or as general damage boosters.
-Crit numbers have been overhauled, and now exist in two types. Gives AD (20%) and Doesn't give AD (30%). These are are clearly meant to be paired in groups of 50%
-Bork has an interesting interaction with Death's Dance (DD) and Lord Dominik's Regards. Both of their effects are "on physical damage", meaning DD will lifesteal off Bork's effects, and LDR will amp them. Taking all 3 leaves you in a bit of a weird place DPS-wise though, as you're really delaying your crit.
-All 3 Kircheis Shard items have different unique passives, meaning they stack, and you can proc all 3 when you're fully charged. Of course, it would be silly to get all 3 since then you're stuck with a Shard in your inventory, but Shiv + Firecanon isn't half bad for a long range 650 magic damage mini-nuke. Also: Because both items have lower attack speed gains than Runaan's and PD, you're less likely to hit the attack speed cap.
-In general, it seems that Runaan's has replaced PD as the default Zeal item, but all Zeal items have their place. Shiv is WAY stronger than it used to be, and PD is great for splitpushing. I'm not entirely sure when you'd buy Firecanon outside of pairing it with a Shiv.
-Death's Dance and the reworked Maw seem to be alternatives to defensive items, giving you some defensive stats, and more damage, much like Mercurial Scimitar. I'm not sure where Maw fits into a build, however, where as Death's Dance can fit in almost anywhere since lifesteal and damage reduction are just good.
-It can be argued, especially with the inclusion of Death's Dance, that Riot is pushing for 5 offensive item builds.
On with the builds
--These are NOT the build orders, just an item list.
--These are neither exhaustive nor definite. This is theorycrafting, not a guide. Plenty of other, and better, builds exist.
--LW is assumed to be Lord Dominik's Regards unless you need a Mortal Reminder.
--Zeal refers to any item that build from Zeal, but generally one of the 30% crit ones, not triforce.
- Bork, PD, ER, LW, DD: Duelist/splitpushing ADC (Vayne, Quinn). A good mix of damage, CDR and survivability gives these champs what they need to keep their healthbars and mobility up, and the enemy healthbars down.
- Bork, Ghostblade, BT, LW, DD: Critless ADC (Kalista, AD Kennen?). The highest possible DPS with no crit.
- Bork, Ghostblade, IE, Zeal, LW: Assassin ADC (Twitch). A mix of midgame assassination power, and lategame dps, designed to leave your enemies confused about why their screen suddenly went grey.
- ER, Triforce, Bork, LW + open slot: Spellweaver AD Caster (Ezreal, Corki, Lucian). ER + Triforce is the best combination for spell weavers. Max CDR, decent crit and triforce procs. The rest is up to you, but bork and last whisper are best for DPS. Corki probably doesn't want last whisper though.
- ER, Shiv, BT, LW + open slot: Burst ADC (Graves, MF). A fierce combination of crit and raw damage designed to chunk enemies out at the start of a fight. MF probably wants to use a Black Cleaver in her open slot.
- Ghostblade, DD, Black Cleaver, LW + open slot: Pure AD Caster/Critless caster (Varus...also Jayce). Raw damage, CDR and armor penetration. Probably not the best true ADC build, but AD Casters will love it.
- IE, 2 Zeals, Bork/BT, LW: Juggercarry (Kog, Trist, Jinx). Maximum DPS for maximum power. If your support buys Zeke's you can sub out a zeal for something else. Bork is preferential to BT, but then you have to worry about the attack speed cap.
- IE/ER, Zeal, BT, LW + open slot: Traditional ADC (Ashe, Sivir, Cait). A basic build that harkens back to a simpler time. No real weaknesses, but no real strengths.
- BT, DD, IE, Triforce, LW: Draaaaaven (Draven). Draven likes raw AD and crit, and with that pesky AP gone from Triforce, there's literally no reason not to buy it. It's an amazing item on the guy, he has no CD on his W.
- IE, ER/Triforce, 2 Zeal, LW: Aka "I always wanted to be Yasuo". Designed to be paired with Warrior's Bloodlust, 100 crit is op. But that power comes at a price. Run this at your own risk.