Content Viralizer
300 XP
This applies to both BoL and L#, but mostly only BoL is referred to.
Okay, so some of us have multiple accounts. Some changes account as often as we change oil in our cars. But for most of us, we have one single or a couple of League of Legends accounts we hold close to our heart. With the growth of BoL, I figured I'd type out a set of guidelines which may (or may not) keep your account safer.
These sets of guidelines is aimed to the paranoid part of the community. Use them, or dont use them.
How Ri0t handles scripting at the moment:
If we look to Valve and their popular Counter-Strike series, Valve quickly had to implement an anti-cheat to their games. They called in VAC, and many of us has probably felt VAC smite our accounts - me included. Simply put: VAC basically learns how cheating injectors work, and busts them - banning the user using it. However, when cheat creators find new ways to inject their code into the game, VAC has to be updated to catch this new way of injecting. Cheater vs. VAC or any other anticheat system is like a competition to update the software quicker and quicker.
Ri0t's approach to scripters/cheats have been a policy to not allow any talks/discussions about it at their forum and at /r/leagueoflegends. They have been fairly successful by using this approach, as our approximate numbers are about 100k users (not detailed data). Many summoners dont even know that scripters exist to this very date - which is why they have gotten away with not having any anti-cheat system.
For those that played Counter-Strike, we remember the speed-hacking players knifing down an entire team in seconds. Like in Counter-Strike, when we use our mighty BoL powers in a way that human players cannot possibly carry out by themselves, we are basically busted if someone records the game and sends it to Ri0t. Ri0t has conducted bans based on video evidence before - but affected players are very low - so it is still considered pretty safe to use BoL in any way you want.
Riot's new anticheat
Ri0t is as far as I can tell changing their policies and ways to handle them. http://forum.botoflegends.com/user/35264-the-commodore/ (BoL) posted information about Riot implementing a new anticheat system into the client files. These types of detectors does not have anything to do with the tips posted below.
How to act pre game/in game/post game:
Because of the new report system and a possible future anti-cheat system, you might want to take safety precautions. First I'm going to give you general tips of how to act in LoL. These might not be relevant for some of you.
BoL sends packets of movement/action information so fast that if someone reviews the amount of information sent to the gameserver - it is blatantly obvious that you are using some sort of third party program. There is a new feature in SAC:R r90+ that limits the data sent to Ri0t Gameservers from your game client. It will interfere with some movement for lets say evading scripts - but generally this is an easy step to do for the most paranoid of us. You can customize the limit within the script menu. Look in the Humanizer section of the menu.
Free script obviously also sends data to LoL gameservers. This data is not as fast as commands using packets uses - but it will, from what I know, still be somewhat obvious if the data is reviewed. If you are paranoid and hold your account close to your heart - this will also be a good incentive to actually get VIP and use this script.
Script settings:
Like I wrote initially, if you use scripts in an obvious way, it's considered so obvious that a simple video of you doing weird stuff would be enough for Ri0t to set a ban to your account.
Here are some general tips to setting up your scripts so that your summoner won't do obvious weird stuff in game.
EDIT: I just got banned, I'm 90% sure it was because I was maining Cass with Evadeee and awareness, basically as heavy duty as you can get. Please take care when using evadeee and an obvious script like a Cass one. Try not to faceroll too hard, you WILL get banned sooner or later.
Ri0t's New New Anticheat
Riot have recently introduced the ability to report people for scripting. This will reaise awareness of it, and thus will force them to take actions regarding detection. It is now more dangerous than ever to script so be wary of what you do. As shown with the recent BanSharp banwave, they are really pulling their finger out of their ass to get rid of scripters. Be careful, and try to avoid detection at all times, dont use evade scripts, and be careful when using orbwalkers to not appear too obvious.
Okay, so some of us have multiple accounts. Some changes account as often as we change oil in our cars. But for most of us, we have one single or a couple of League of Legends accounts we hold close to our heart. With the growth of BoL, I figured I'd type out a set of guidelines which may (or may not) keep your account safer.
These sets of guidelines is aimed to the paranoid part of the community. Use them, or dont use them.
How Ri0t handles scripting at the moment:
If we look to Valve and their popular Counter-Strike series, Valve quickly had to implement an anti-cheat to their games. They called in VAC, and many of us has probably felt VAC smite our accounts - me included. Simply put: VAC basically learns how cheating injectors work, and busts them - banning the user using it. However, when cheat creators find new ways to inject their code into the game, VAC has to be updated to catch this new way of injecting. Cheater vs. VAC or any other anticheat system is like a competition to update the software quicker and quicker.
Ri0t's approach to scripters/cheats have been a policy to not allow any talks/discussions about it at their forum and at /r/leagueoflegends. They have been fairly successful by using this approach, as our approximate numbers are about 100k users (not detailed data). Many summoners dont even know that scripters exist to this very date - which is why they have gotten away with not having any anti-cheat system.
For those that played Counter-Strike, we remember the speed-hacking players knifing down an entire team in seconds. Like in Counter-Strike, when we use our mighty BoL powers in a way that human players cannot possibly carry out by themselves, we are basically busted if someone records the game and sends it to Ri0t. Ri0t has conducted bans based on video evidence before - but affected players are very low - so it is still considered pretty safe to use BoL in any way you want.
Riot's new anticheat
Ri0t is as far as I can tell changing their policies and ways to handle them. http://forum.botoflegends.com/user/35264-the-commodore/ (BoL) posted information about Riot implementing a new anticheat system into the client files. These types of detectors does not have anything to do with the tips posted below.
How to act pre game/in game/post game:
Because of the new report system and a possible future anti-cheat system, you might want to take safety precautions. First I'm going to give you general tips of how to act in LoL. These might not be relevant for some of you.
- NEVER conduct in any discussions regarding BoL, L# or other considered illegal tools for League of Legends.
- NEVER use terms connected to BoL or L#.
- Follow Ri0ts http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/legal/termsofuse. Especially section "V - Code of Conduct" with the obvious exception of "J - Use of Third Party Programs".
- If accused of cheating, you should either act like you dont know what "scripting" or whatever term used to accuse you with is - OR - dont respond to the accusing player at all.
BoL sends packets of movement/action information so fast that if someone reviews the amount of information sent to the gameserver - it is blatantly obvious that you are using some sort of third party program. There is a new feature in SAC:R r90+ that limits the data sent to Ri0t Gameservers from your game client. It will interfere with some movement for lets say evading scripts - but generally this is an easy step to do for the most paranoid of us. You can customize the limit within the script menu. Look in the Humanizer section of the menu.
Free script obviously also sends data to LoL gameservers. This data is not as fast as commands using packets uses - but it will, from what I know, still be somewhat obvious if the data is reviewed. If you are paranoid and hold your account close to your heart - this will also be a good incentive to actually get VIP and use this script.
Script settings:
Like I wrote initially, if you use scripts in an obvious way, it's considered so obvious that a simple video of you doing weird stuff would be enough for Ri0t to set a ban to your account.
Here are some general tips to setting up your scripts so that your summoner won't do obvious weird stuff in game.
- Turn off any type of exploits in champion scripts, or any other script using exploits.
- Turn off dodging of circular spells in evading scripts. Dodging circular spells will sometimes cause your summoner to "stutter" which basically means that you are trying to go one direction in which the evading script is trying to argue with your mouse commands to go to. Man versus script doesnt look good, and makes it too obvious.
- Its okay to miss a couple CS, and turn off evading scripts in some periods of the game. If you dodge 100% of Thresh hooks which is decently aimed, it just looks weird for a trained eye.
EDIT: I just got banned, I'm 90% sure it was because I was maining Cass with Evadeee and awareness, basically as heavy duty as you can get. Please take care when using evadeee and an obvious script like a Cass one. Try not to faceroll too hard, you WILL get banned sooner or later.
Ri0t's New New Anticheat
Riot have recently introduced the ability to report people for scripting. This will reaise awareness of it, and thus will force them to take actions regarding detection. It is now more dangerous than ever to script so be wary of what you do. As shown with the recent BanSharp banwave, they are really pulling their finger out of their ass to get rid of scripters. Be careful, and try to avoid detection at all times, dont use evade scripts, and be careful when using orbwalkers to not appear too obvious.