Social Media Maven
1000 XP
I’ve came across this mediocre status quo of my life. I’m almost on the primal point of conformity in this world. I’ve come out on peak where rivalries are extremely vied. I have passed those vendettas and feuds of life and came to groove with the rhythm of dynamism in living. I let slithered those failures and slipped a bit at the grip of living, but I always had my flag held up high for those laurels and feats I have experienced.
I started liking IT as a course when I am in high school as I was addicted to games. I still remember clearly. I was addicted to DOTA that time. My comrades were my leaning beam. We were in computer shops if time is friendly on us or even at evening. We charged for vacant units on the internet café without minding those rocky and muddy ways, even if it is raining. Upon reaching the workstations, we immediately do our jobs as best as we could; play our game, DOTA! When the semi-demonic game sound declaring “First Blood!” fills the air, shouts, screams would follow as a result of emotions overflow. It pumps up all of us announcing better hostility to the opposing team. You better look out for falling debris of their raging fighting spirits when the last demonic sound vocalizing “Godlike!” And that makes the game in full effects.
A year passed, it only took a split second for me to realize that I was on my first year of college education since my high school days. I studied IT in my first year of college in a prestigious university in Davao. Studying in a big university in another place as freshman dealt a great impact for a tyro student like me. I was so bashful that time. No self-confidence, no assurance, no-thing.. just me, myself, and I with a faint ray of hope at my hand. I tried to alter my eyes focused per second to find anyone whom I can talk to. It was a haste of breathless pleasure.
The teachers there were really good in programming but actually I didn’t get what they taught to us. I was really pressured that time as I was slow in typing letters. I didn’t get attention to class and to my studies as I keep playing DOTA everyday. And the outcome? I failed on one of the subjects. And it was programming, particularly C/C++. There were only 10 who passed the subject out of 40 students.
I was really embarrassed to myself because I was really on top during my high school years. I blamed myself for having no interest at all in making programs. But, I didn’t give up until I passed the subject in 2nd semester. It was when I decided that I’ll go back to my beloved city as I was in love to a woman that time in our place.
I studied hard in programming when I transferred to another school particularly in a private school. But the sad fact was I didn’t choose IT. To be an engineer was my father’s choice and I followed what they liked for me. I joined various programming contest in the school and ended up first place. The memories from the past failure bring inspiration to the feats of the present. When I was a student, I don’t have any money for buying class requirements, photocopied papers, and even making projects. That time I stopped playing computer games. The words of my professor instilled my mind as he said “Don’t waste your time in playing games, instead make your own game. Make money for yourself, and stop making money for others.” The words really enlightened my mind and practice programming every free time. When I was in 3rd year and 4th year, I made projects for schoolmates. And when I reached 5th year, I already made 10 thesis systems/capstone projects for the outside schools. And now, blessed from God’s grace and by my skills, I graduated with the course of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at STI College.
When my college days passed ahead, it made me a splendid tapestry of interlocked reminiscence. I was so blessed and happy that time when my parents cried at my graduation day, seeing their son receiving two of the prestigious awards in the stage such as Best Thesis of the Year Award and Leadership Award since I was the CSG President and Vice President of the Caraga Regional Council of Student Leaders way back at those years. All the burdens in my four years of staying at STI College weren’t gone to waste because I managed to excel at the top. I also took Computer Hardware Servicing NC2 and Civil Service Professional Exam and obtained the Certificate of Eligibility at my college years.
From that moment on, in my 5th year college, I was asked to teach mathematics subjects by our College Dean before our graduation day and it was really an honor and privilege for me to be a part of the STI family. Those relentless efforts and persistent deeds to achieve this elusive dream to be a part of their faculty weren’t cast to waste. I made a decision to cancel my employment at SEDFI as a computer programmer and asked the College Dean that I wanted to teach programming in STI. He granted me my request and I was really blissful and thankful to God for all the blessings I received.
In my spare time, I studied different programming languages such as IOS, C#, and Cloud Computing as I was good in Java, Visual Basic 6.0, VB.NET, Android using Basic4Android and Eclipse. As you will know, even if I am a Computer Engineering graduate I can’t really into developing hardware like circuits and electronics projects but I’m more into software and hardware integration. Programming really is my passion so that’s why I always create business and desktop applications but not websites. I am lacking the skills in making websites using PHP, Ajax, and bootstrap since these things don’t exist in Computer Engineering curriculum and I hardly learn these languages except from HTML, CSS, and Javascript. From my business and desktop system applications, some of my software systems were purchased by different establishment here in our city. For now, I already made various Android applications that are in the Google Play Store.
Many opportunities knock at my door since I mastered these programming languages. Last January 15, 2014, I was hired by sourcecodester.com as one of their programmers and programming tutor. I also created a Local Business named Bermz ISware Software Solutions that provides business and desktop applications for the company and establishment. We have local clients and foreign clients that entrusted their computerized system in us.
For now, I work as a full-time instructor at STI College handling programming subjects and taking my Master in Information Technology. One of the best ways to really become a programmer is not to stick in one programming language. Life is a race so compete it with more and more knowledge in any different programming languages. To become a good programmer you must read programming books, read tutorials online, ask from the expert, practice everyday until you mastered it, and after mastering it, study a new programming language, and the best of all, study and learn from school. Don’t waste your time in gaming. Make money for yourself not just to spend money for unnecessary things.
We are programmers. We ruled the world.
I started liking IT as a course when I am in high school as I was addicted to games. I still remember clearly. I was addicted to DOTA that time. My comrades were my leaning beam. We were in computer shops if time is friendly on us or even at evening. We charged for vacant units on the internet café without minding those rocky and muddy ways, even if it is raining. Upon reaching the workstations, we immediately do our jobs as best as we could; play our game, DOTA! When the semi-demonic game sound declaring “First Blood!” fills the air, shouts, screams would follow as a result of emotions overflow. It pumps up all of us announcing better hostility to the opposing team. You better look out for falling debris of their raging fighting spirits when the last demonic sound vocalizing “Godlike!” And that makes the game in full effects.
A year passed, it only took a split second for me to realize that I was on my first year of college education since my high school days. I studied IT in my first year of college in a prestigious university in Davao. Studying in a big university in another place as freshman dealt a great impact for a tyro student like me. I was so bashful that time. No self-confidence, no assurance, no-thing.. just me, myself, and I with a faint ray of hope at my hand. I tried to alter my eyes focused per second to find anyone whom I can talk to. It was a haste of breathless pleasure.
The teachers there were really good in programming but actually I didn’t get what they taught to us. I was really pressured that time as I was slow in typing letters. I didn’t get attention to class and to my studies as I keep playing DOTA everyday. And the outcome? I failed on one of the subjects. And it was programming, particularly C/C++. There were only 10 who passed the subject out of 40 students.
I was really embarrassed to myself because I was really on top during my high school years. I blamed myself for having no interest at all in making programs. But, I didn’t give up until I passed the subject in 2nd semester. It was when I decided that I’ll go back to my beloved city as I was in love to a woman that time in our place.
I studied hard in programming when I transferred to another school particularly in a private school. But the sad fact was I didn’t choose IT. To be an engineer was my father’s choice and I followed what they liked for me. I joined various programming contest in the school and ended up first place. The memories from the past failure bring inspiration to the feats of the present. When I was a student, I don’t have any money for buying class requirements, photocopied papers, and even making projects. That time I stopped playing computer games. The words of my professor instilled my mind as he said “Don’t waste your time in playing games, instead make your own game. Make money for yourself, and stop making money for others.” The words really enlightened my mind and practice programming every free time. When I was in 3rd year and 4th year, I made projects for schoolmates. And when I reached 5th year, I already made 10 thesis systems/capstone projects for the outside schools. And now, blessed from God’s grace and by my skills, I graduated with the course of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at STI College.
When my college days passed ahead, it made me a splendid tapestry of interlocked reminiscence. I was so blessed and happy that time when my parents cried at my graduation day, seeing their son receiving two of the prestigious awards in the stage such as Best Thesis of the Year Award and Leadership Award since I was the CSG President and Vice President of the Caraga Regional Council of Student Leaders way back at those years. All the burdens in my four years of staying at STI College weren’t gone to waste because I managed to excel at the top. I also took Computer Hardware Servicing NC2 and Civil Service Professional Exam and obtained the Certificate of Eligibility at my college years.
From that moment on, in my 5th year college, I was asked to teach mathematics subjects by our College Dean before our graduation day and it was really an honor and privilege for me to be a part of the STI family. Those relentless efforts and persistent deeds to achieve this elusive dream to be a part of their faculty weren’t cast to waste. I made a decision to cancel my employment at SEDFI as a computer programmer and asked the College Dean that I wanted to teach programming in STI. He granted me my request and I was really blissful and thankful to God for all the blessings I received.
In my spare time, I studied different programming languages such as IOS, C#, and Cloud Computing as I was good in Java, Visual Basic 6.0, VB.NET, Android using Basic4Android and Eclipse. As you will know, even if I am a Computer Engineering graduate I can’t really into developing hardware like circuits and electronics projects but I’m more into software and hardware integration. Programming really is my passion so that’s why I always create business and desktop applications but not websites. I am lacking the skills in making websites using PHP, Ajax, and bootstrap since these things don’t exist in Computer Engineering curriculum and I hardly learn these languages except from HTML, CSS, and Javascript. From my business and desktop system applications, some of my software systems were purchased by different establishment here in our city. For now, I already made various Android applications that are in the Google Play Store.
Many opportunities knock at my door since I mastered these programming languages. Last January 15, 2014, I was hired by sourcecodester.com as one of their programmers and programming tutor. I also created a Local Business named Bermz ISware Software Solutions that provides business and desktop applications for the company and establishment. We have local clients and foreign clients that entrusted their computerized system in us.
For now, I work as a full-time instructor at STI College handling programming subjects and taking my Master in Information Technology. One of the best ways to really become a programmer is not to stick in one programming language. Life is a race so compete it with more and more knowledge in any different programming languages. To become a good programmer you must read programming books, read tutorials online, ask from the expert, practice everyday until you mastered it, and after mastering it, study a new programming language, and the best of all, study and learn from school. Don’t waste your time in gaming. Make money for yourself not just to spend money for unnecessary things.
We are programmers. We ruled the world.