SEO Pioneer
400 XP
- Your traditional shotgun to the face.
- Boiling them alive in reused vegetable oil.
- Starving them in an empty room.
- Amputating their limbs with a plastic knife.
- Feeding them to a bear.
- Driving over their bodies with an army tank.
- Sending them to Afghanistan.
- Crucifixion.
- Dipping them into vats of hot mustard.
- Suffocating them with their own fur.
- Dragging them through a three mile cheese grater.
- Injecting nitroglycerin into their body.
- Setting their head on fire.
- Pushing them underneath a working press.
- Tripping them over into a bed of nails.
- Pouring a bucket on piranhas down their throats.
- Forcing them into a meat grinder and making chilli con carne out of them.
- Shooting them with paintballs for seventeen hours.
- Shoving their faces into a deep fryer.
- Pouring acid onto their stomachs.
- Sacrificing them to a giant spider.
- Deporting them to Guantanamo Bay on twenty three fake charges of child molestation.
- Telling Freddy Kruegar that a Furry called him a douche.
- Inserting several lit fireworks into their arse.
- Harpooning them in the mouth.
- Giving them to Paris Hilton for adoption.
- Putting them in a death match with Spock.
- Drowning them in a toilet.
- Setting up a rigged and wired R.P.G behind their front door.
- Doing the typical “flaming dog poop” trick, while replacing the poop with a landmine.
- Throwing them into an active volcano.
- Burning their bodies with nacho cheese.
- Putting them in a trash compactor.
- Dropping them into a giant blender.
- Pushing them off a cliff.
- Shoving them into a room full of hungry lions.
- Burying them alive in a coffin full of snakes.
- Introducing them to “I.T”.
- Sending assault troops into an Anthrocon.
- Smothering them into a giant ball of fairy floss.
- Pouring hot caramel into their eyes.
- Injecting glue into their bloodstream.
- Severing their muzzles off with a chainsaw.
- Forcing them into battle with a Balrog.
- Inserting a powerful vacuum cleaner down their throats.
- Dumping them into the North Sea.
- Force feeding them toxic waste.
- Torturing them on a stretch rack.
- Placing a bottomless cage of rats onto their faces.
- Premature mummification.
- Setting up a giant thumbscrew on their heads.
- Throwing them into an iron maiden.
- Stoning them.
- Pouring hot liquid metal down their throats.
- Annihilating them with a minigun.
- Flaying them alive.
- Rolling a giant boulder over them.
- Using a Voodoo doll to tear them apart.
- Driving over their heads with a bulldozer.
- Throwing shuriken at their foreheads.
- Rolling a lawnmower over their backs.
- Impaling them with your national flag.
- Cremating them alive.
- Tying them in a sack and then throwing them into a river.
- Sending them up into the Sun.
- Electrocution.
- Skewering them on top of Big Ben’s tower.
- Throwing them into shark infested waters.
- Strangling them with a razored wire.
- Dipping them in burning sulphur.
- Tying a vest of dynamite onto them.
- Feeding them into a coal burner.
- Tripping them over into a jet turbine.
- Feeding them to a twenty foot cicada.
- Rubbing a power sander over their faces.
- Burning them on a stake.
- Placing a bear trap in their mouths.
- Dropping an atomic bomb over a Furry convention.
- Driving them into a paper shredder.
- Shattering their vertebrae with a wooden mallet.
- Hammering a wooden stake into their hearts.
- Performing a deadly Russian Omelette on them.
- Simply kicking them to death.
- Stabbing them repeatedly with a pencil.
- Sticking their heads underneath a moving helicopter blade.
- Planting an electric coil in their toilets.
- Nailing them onto a dartboard.
- Stabbing them in the back with a screwdriver.
- Serving them poisoned tea or coffee.
- Drilling several holes into their skull.
- Dropping a classical hundred ton weight on top of them.
- Throwing them onto a highway of moving traffic.
- Filling their mouths with concrete.
- Hanging them with their own intestines.
- Coating them with plastic explosives.
- Throwing them at the mercy of P.E.T.A.
- Deporting them to Ethiopia for food.
- Tying them to a train track.
- Cutting off all possible Internet connections they may have.