Layer 2 Pro
400 XP
Hey Fellas Hope you're doing all okay.
I'm an EUW Booster, i do have a little free time this morning and i told myself why not making a thread to help people climbing elo by themself.
So today i'll give you some free advices to help you get out of your "Elo Hell" by yourself (Even if i considerate the low Diamond the only true Elo Hell).
I.Try To find you some mates:
Try to get you some mates and play only Dynamic Q (If you want to climb, im not talking about if you want to improve, that's another story). There's many websites when you can grab you a Duo mate or find you a team like http://www.lolduo.com, If you're lucky, you can even find some smurfs than can hook you up.
II.Don't tilt:
Never listen to what other low elo scrubs tells you, in fact, the more you talk and rage on, the more time you waste, cs you miss and tilted you get. I advice you to put an /all mute in that chat box and only talk to your mates by pings or voice chat if possible.
III. Play low skill requiring Champions:
You lake of skill, play hard carry's champions that wont require much skills as of: Ahri, Garen, Nasus, Amumu, Annie.Getting to OTP a Champion will be not only enough to get you out of Gold, but it will be your Visa to the high elo. (I Reached Diamond V first time OTPing Riven)
IV. Ward:
Trust me: Lake of vision is one of the top mistakes that get people to feed and loose games. There's some warding guides about where and when to ward the map. But that's not really our matter, you can seek for this by yourself.
-Warding Chart:
V. Game knowledge:
Am I / Is my team in position to get/force a dragon/turret/baron etc? Are we able to win a teamfight? Should we split push? Is it a smart idea that 3 people go bot 40 mins in with baron up? Basically how to get objectives, snowball advantages and close out games or keep your self in. Basically this comes form thinking about what you do, what you could do and what you should have done. Getting the right choices and putting yourself in charge of your team, that's what the carry's do.
VI. Farm:
Get's you more gold, more experiance and more lane pressure (If you do it right, Ofc).
0/0/0 with 100 cs at min 12:00 is better than 4/0/0 50 cs at min 12:00. Caption this. ( 16 cs = 1 kill )
-Farming Chart:
VII. Watch Streams:
Watch High elo people playing, watch their in game's choices, understand how they think and especially if they play the champion you want to OTP.
That was all. I hope i was a help to you and wish you better luck in the field of justice!
Dont forget to upvote and +rep if i helped you ^~^
I'm an EUW Booster, i do have a little free time this morning and i told myself why not making a thread to help people climbing elo by themself.
So today i'll give you some free advices to help you get out of your "Elo Hell" by yourself (Even if i considerate the low Diamond the only true Elo Hell).
I.Try To find you some mates:
Try to get you some mates and play only Dynamic Q (If you want to climb, im not talking about if you want to improve, that's another story). There's many websites when you can grab you a Duo mate or find you a team like http://www.lolduo.com, If you're lucky, you can even find some smurfs than can hook you up.
II.Don't tilt:
Never listen to what other low elo scrubs tells you, in fact, the more you talk and rage on, the more time you waste, cs you miss and tilted you get. I advice you to put an /all mute in that chat box and only talk to your mates by pings or voice chat if possible.
III. Play low skill requiring Champions:
You lake of skill, play hard carry's champions that wont require much skills as of: Ahri, Garen, Nasus, Amumu, Annie.Getting to OTP a Champion will be not only enough to get you out of Gold, but it will be your Visa to the high elo. (I Reached Diamond V first time OTPing Riven)
IV. Ward:
Trust me: Lake of vision is one of the top mistakes that get people to feed and loose games. There's some warding guides about where and when to ward the map. But that's not really our matter, you can seek for this by yourself.
-Warding Chart:
V. Game knowledge:
Am I / Is my team in position to get/force a dragon/turret/baron etc? Are we able to win a teamfight? Should we split push? Is it a smart idea that 3 people go bot 40 mins in with baron up? Basically how to get objectives, snowball advantages and close out games or keep your self in. Basically this comes form thinking about what you do, what you could do and what you should have done. Getting the right choices and putting yourself in charge of your team, that's what the carry's do.
VI. Farm:
Get's you more gold, more experiance and more lane pressure (If you do it right, Ofc).
0/0/0 with 100 cs at min 12:00 is better than 4/0/0 50 cs at min 12:00. Caption this. ( 16 cs = 1 kill )
-Farming Chart:
VII. Watch Streams:
Watch High elo people playing, watch their in game's choices, understand how they think and especially if they play the champion you want to OTP.
That was all. I hope i was a help to you and wish you better luck in the field of justice!
Dont forget to upvote and +rep if i helped you ^~^