Cross-Platform Compiler
200 XP
1 - Stay alive its better than kill
Being the mid team laner you are the champion who gets more experience and gold (most of the time xD). Its importance to his team is great, then try to stay alive as long as possible. Avoid those famous offensive flashes to change kills. We played well in addition to losing the Flash you have died!
When TPA was champion of World Season 2, the mid laner Toyz said that the League of Legends do not die is always more important than killing. That does not mean you have to play scared to death under his tower, it means you will not risk 1v2 knowing that his death is certain, will not push any lane alone without any vision of the opposing team.
Learn to play aggressive at the right time and NOT DIE!
2 - Know how to pick
The picks phase may decide various games. If you still have no idea of the opponents picks avoid Pickar champions who are counterados easily. If your team is making a targeted composition for Team Fighs choose a champion to be good for it, as Lulu or Orianna.
Not always make a pick that can counterar the other mid laner is the best solution, only do this if your pick is a certain synergy with the rest of the team and if you really dominates this champion. Nothing to choose one champion you barely know if the Q is point and click skill shot.
In a soloQ have 2 types of frequently picks the champions who have enough utility (Hard CC, Shields, damage in area, healing, etc.) and the Assassins (high Burst, mobility). Learn which fits more to your style of play, both are set in some great moves a departure from SoloQ. Get someone out of position with Kassadin and Hitting a Shock Wave of Orianna in 4 Players can set an entire match.
3 - Push our lane and GANK BOT OR TOP EVEN THE JUNGLER
One of the simplest things of Mid Lane. Push your lane and gank is something basic, but need to know the right time to efetuar.Efetuar a successful Gank in bot can guarantee a tower and a Dragon to your team if talking about soloQ this can cause rage opponent's bot in mid laners them. And often the mid laner late tries to do something miraculous to save the situation (Most of the time he kills! Do not do it!) .Already Seen several games be won with only 2 in ganks bot, making a total Snowball ADC and Mid Laner. But remember to push the lane before not to lose his silly tower!
4 - Know the MATCHUPS
A good Mid Laner know how each champion fares against another. And this goes well beyond Sabee the Twisted Fate can have many problems playing against a Murderer or the Zed passes a darn perrengue playing against Kayle. It is learned that the X champion at level 4 has an advantage against the champion Y.
It is a knowledge that comes with time, players who play a lot like a champion and has this improved knowledge. Learn against whom you will make Zhonyas as the first item and against whom you need to Grail.
5 - GANK with our jungler
As I said above, hit a good gank on bot can bring a rage up from mid right opponent? Now when you hit one with the Jungler the chance of success is greater! And also rage can bring to jungler opponent.
With 4 players in the Bot perform a Tower Dive is easy, but need to be careful not to take a "counter-gank" and the situation is completely reversed! Stay tuned where jungler opponent may be for you not do a bad call dive.
1 - Stay alive its better than kill
Being the mid team laner you are the champion who gets more experience and gold (most of the time xD). Its importance to his team is great, then try to stay alive as long as possible. Avoid those famous offensive flashes to change kills. We played well in addition to losing the Flash you have died!
When TPA was champion of World Season 2, the mid laner Toyz said that the League of Legends do not die is always more important than killing. That does not mean you have to play scared to death under his tower, it means you will not risk 1v2 knowing that his death is certain, will not push any lane alone without any vision of the opposing team.
Learn to play aggressive at the right time and NOT DIE!
2 - Know how to pick
The picks phase may decide various games. If you still have no idea of the opponents picks avoid Pickar champions who are counterados easily. If your team is making a targeted composition for Team Fighs choose a champion to be good for it, as Lulu or Orianna.
Not always make a pick that can counterar the other mid laner is the best solution, only do this if your pick is a certain synergy with the rest of the team and if you really dominates this champion. Nothing to choose one champion you barely know if the Q is point and click skill shot.
In a soloQ have 2 types of frequently picks the champions who have enough utility (Hard CC, Shields, damage in area, healing, etc.) and the Assassins (high Burst, mobility). Learn which fits more to your style of play, both are set in some great moves a departure from SoloQ. Get someone out of position with Kassadin and Hitting a Shock Wave of Orianna in 4 Players can set an entire match.
3 - Push our lane and GANK BOT OR TOP EVEN THE JUNGLER
One of the simplest things of Mid Lane. Push your lane and gank is something basic, but need to know the right time to efetuar.Efetuar a successful Gank in bot can guarantee a tower and a Dragon to your team if talking about soloQ this can cause rage opponent's bot in mid laners them. And often the mid laner late tries to do something miraculous to save the situation (Most of the time he kills! Do not do it!) .Already Seen several games be won with only 2 in ganks bot, making a total Snowball ADC and Mid Laner. But remember to push the lane before not to lose his silly tower!
4 - Know the MATCHUPS
A good Mid Laner know how each champion fares against another. And this goes well beyond Sabee the Twisted Fate can have many problems playing against a Murderer or the Zed passes a darn perrengue playing against Kayle. It is learned that the X champion at level 4 has an advantage against the champion Y.
It is a knowledge that comes with time, players who play a lot like a champion and has this improved knowledge. Learn against whom you will make Zhonyas as the first item and against whom you need to Grail.
5 - GANK with our jungler
As I said above, hit a good gank on bot can bring a rage up from mid right opponent? Now when you hit one with the Jungler the chance of success is greater! And also rage can bring to jungler opponent.
With 4 players in the Bot perform a Tower Dive is easy, but need to be careful not to take a "counter-gank" and the situation is completely reversed! Stay tuned where jungler opponent may be for you not do a bad call dive.