Threat Hunter
300 XP
Share your thoughts on 5.13 - which champions could be op(especially with scripting) and why?
Kyle Jungle:
Skillorder: E>W>Q - her damage is pretty sexy- her ganks are not that bad early ( i'm maxing W second for movementspeed and sustain) and her jungleclear is really good with the E change.
Build: Feral Flare > Nashor Tooth > Berserkboots > Hourglas > Rylais > Voidstaff
My thoughts: You go for the FF and then get Nashors for the 20% Cdr+ Onhit. With 15% Cdr scaling in glyphs you will perm have your E up. Berserkboots over void for the "on hit effect" abuse - especially with an orbwalker.
Hourglas + Rylais for some defstats + hp + slow + the opporunity to ult your ally and voidstaff to penetrate endgame.
Not sure if this is the best build since i am no kyle main but could work?
Skillorder: Q>E>W
Build: Runeglaive > Liandrys > Rylais > Sorcer's Boots > Rylais > Hourglas + Rabadon
Liandrys got a huge buff - it got like 30 more ip for 100 extragold. It also helps for the dps you need against tanks + maybe applies the slow of Rylais? Idk...anyway i feel like this could be a huge shit...the damage of Runeglaive combined with Liandrys + Rylais slow could be sexy as fuck and has high "abuse factor".
Tham Support/Top:
I feel like with script his toplane potential is cool - kinda Nautilus Flex (Top/Support).
He has high basedamage (magical) - W>Q>E probably?
He scales well with HP and as in mentioned in the other thread: he is a mix of bard + braum.
Q: good poke (like bard Q)
W: mini balista every few seconds (i am sure kalista+tham is one of the most common botlanes in future)
W: a better version of Morgana E - especially against stuff like Malz,WW,Vi,Fizz - just eat the attacked target.
E: cool for towerdives
R: lol..just lol. Post6 roam all day or make every jungler get a pantheon ult.
Items: Not sure but since we use scripts and he has kinda 0.7? ap ration on Q + W we could go for an AP/HP build.
Support:Cdr Boots + Sight Stone +Face of the Mountain + Rylais + Liandrys + Iceborn Gauntless
Top: Roa + Rylais + Liandrys + Mercboots + Iceborn Gauntless + Randuiums/Spirit Visage
Why Iceborn? I feel like you can go either Ias to faststack the passive (what is dumb) or get the maximum Flowpotential so you can stick on the target. I feel like the slow + cdr of Iceborn Gauntless could be a thing.
Liandrys Buff? Rylais Buff? if i still need to explain how much Rumble got buffed cause of the AP Item changes - well..i dont know.
About Vlad: well the spellvamp change + Rylais could make him godtier
Some more stuff you should try out:
Velkoz mid with Liandrys + Rylais
Ryze top with Roa+Seraph+Rylais(instead of Ludens if you are ahead)
Morgana Mid with Roa+Zhonyas+Rylais+Liandrys
Lulu mid/top with Morello+Zhonyas+Rylais+Liandrys+Void - instead of the Zhonyas/Rabadon/Lichbane/Void build
i really feel like the Rylais+Liandrys changes can help to win games with the control/support mages like back in the days with lulu mid.
Kyle Jungle:
Skillorder: E>W>Q - her damage is pretty sexy- her ganks are not that bad early ( i'm maxing W second for movementspeed and sustain) and her jungleclear is really good with the E change.
Build: Feral Flare > Nashor Tooth > Berserkboots > Hourglas > Rylais > Voidstaff
My thoughts: You go for the FF and then get Nashors for the 20% Cdr+ Onhit. With 15% Cdr scaling in glyphs you will perm have your E up. Berserkboots over void for the "on hit effect" abuse - especially with an orbwalker.
Hourglas + Rylais for some defstats + hp + slow + the opporunity to ult your ally and voidstaff to penetrate endgame.
Not sure if this is the best build since i am no kyle main but could work?
Skillorder: Q>E>W
Build: Runeglaive > Liandrys > Rylais > Sorcer's Boots > Rylais > Hourglas + Rabadon
Liandrys got a huge buff - it got like 30 more ip for 100 extragold. It also helps for the dps you need against tanks + maybe applies the slow of Rylais? Idk...anyway i feel like this could be a huge shit...the damage of Runeglaive combined with Liandrys + Rylais slow could be sexy as fuck and has high "abuse factor".
Tham Support/Top:
I feel like with script his toplane potential is cool - kinda Nautilus Flex (Top/Support).
He has high basedamage (magical) - W>Q>E probably?
He scales well with HP and as in mentioned in the other thread: he is a mix of bard + braum.
Q: good poke (like bard Q)
W: mini balista every few seconds (i am sure kalista+tham is one of the most common botlanes in future)
W: a better version of Morgana E - especially against stuff like Malz,WW,Vi,Fizz - just eat the attacked target.
E: cool for towerdives
R: lol..just lol. Post6 roam all day or make every jungler get a pantheon ult.
Items: Not sure but since we use scripts and he has kinda 0.7? ap ration on Q + W we could go for an AP/HP build.
Support:Cdr Boots + Sight Stone +Face of the Mountain + Rylais + Liandrys + Iceborn Gauntless
Top: Roa + Rylais + Liandrys + Mercboots + Iceborn Gauntless + Randuiums/Spirit Visage
Why Iceborn? I feel like you can go either Ias to faststack the passive (what is dumb) or get the maximum Flowpotential so you can stick on the target. I feel like the slow + cdr of Iceborn Gauntless could be a thing.
Liandrys Buff? Rylais Buff? if i still need to explain how much Rumble got buffed cause of the AP Item changes - well..i dont know.
About Vlad: well the spellvamp change + Rylais could make him godtier
Some more stuff you should try out:
Velkoz mid with Liandrys + Rylais
Ryze top with Roa+Seraph+Rylais(instead of Ludens if you are ahead)
Morgana Mid with Roa+Zhonyas+Rylais+Liandrys
Lulu mid/top with Morello+Zhonyas+Rylais+Liandrys+Void - instead of the Zhonyas/Rabadon/Lichbane/Void build
i really feel like the Rylais+Liandrys changes can help to win games with the control/support mages like back in the days with lulu mid.