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Who is Mustafa Kemal ATATURK?
Mustafa Kemal was born in 1881 in Salonica. His mothers name is Zubeyde and his fathers name is Ali Rıza. He attended schools by this order, Local School, Şemsi Efendi Primary School, Selonica Military Middle School, Selonica Military High School, War Collage and War Academy. In 1893, while his Military High School education, his math teacher added "Kemal" to his name and he was "Mustafa Kemal" from that point on. When the Ottoman Empire has lost the Ist World War, Ottoman Empire signed Armistice of Mondros. Since the occupying forces started to invade Turkish territories, in the 19th of May 1919 Mustafa Kemal started the War of Independence. Mustafa Kemal opened TURKISH GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLY in the 23rt of April 1920 and he was chosen as a president. As a consequence of Sakarya war and winning, he was promoted to Marshal ranking. In the 29th of October 1923, he has decleared the Republic of Turkey and he was the first president of the republic. In 1934, the surname, Atatürk, was given him by TGNA. By the developments that he had done, he heighten Turkey to the level of developed countries. The founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk passed away in the 10st of November 1938.
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Mustafa Kemal was born in 1881 in Salonica. His mothers name is Zubeyde and his fathers name is Ali Rıza. He attended schools by this order, Local School, Şemsi Efendi Primary School, Selonica Military Middle School, Selonica Military High School, War Collage and War Academy. In 1893, while his Military High School education, his math teacher added "Kemal" to his name and he was "Mustafa Kemal" from that point on. When the Ottoman Empire has lost the Ist World War, Ottoman Empire signed Armistice of Mondros. Since the occupying forces started to invade Turkish territories, in the 19th of May 1919 Mustafa Kemal started the War of Independence. Mustafa Kemal opened TURKISH GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLY in the 23rt of April 1920 and he was chosen as a president. As a consequence of Sakarya war and winning, he was promoted to Marshal ranking. In the 29th of October 1923, he has decleared the Republic of Turkey and he was the first president of the republic. In 1934, the surname, Atatürk, was given him by TGNA. By the developments that he had done, he heighten Turkey to the level of developed countries. The founder of Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk passed away in the 10st of November 1938.
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