OVA Collector
200 XP
kopelas:ziv6203513|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
lahfear:suutari12|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
laduladu:dardubala7|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
sintris:Fna5ssZ35|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 16:20:14 08-03-2018
3 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 10
3 Rune Pages
7 Champions Akali Xin Zhao Ashe Tryndamere Janna Kayle Ryze
2 Skins Stinger Akali Judgment Kayle
McMufflon:Lusa9898|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
wat152:asdqwe123123|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 21:53:36 26-08-2016
1 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 25
2 Rune Pages
10 Champions Nunu & Willump Lulu Sona Blitzcrank Katarina Irelia Kayle Nami Thresh Zyra
6 Skins Judgment Kayle Riot Kayle Deep Terror Thresh Aviator Irelia Infiltrator Irelia iBlitzcrank
DaMadnezz:mcmcmc96|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
MrBubbleMan:thomsa123|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
kkk618:mostwanted618|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 20:44:39 22-01-2017
0 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 30
4 Rune Pages
87 Champions Annie Olaf Diana Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Quinn Urgot Syndra LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Gnar Tryndamere Jax Morgana Singed Thresh Twitch Yasuo Cho'Gath Amumu Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Gangplank Karma Taric Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Katarina Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Jhin Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Talon Riven Jinx Shen Lux Shyvana Fizz Rengar Zed Varus Fiora Ziggs Ekko Lulu Draven Hecarim Kha'Zix Darius Vi Jayce
11 Skins Panda Annie Riot Girl Tristana Traditional Lee Sin Death Blossom Elise Woad King Darius Acolyte Lee Sin Debonair Jayce Dino Gnar Mecha Kha'Zix Winged Hussar Xin Zhao High Command Katarina
Radex08:blackriver1|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
AJDxB:ajdxb344|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
mikoszafa:szafa1234|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
Erenerolgs98:656972ee|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
skkayman:mnhck16a|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
tatianito:tata780103|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
gamesharkakaflash:nick09nick09|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
xxerselxx:mos133345|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
TheWoody:barcelona43|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
tasah:mot2468|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
therage889:theone889|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
LordLavacake:niklas99|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
GrimGrimoire:sander666|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
romik112:romik112|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
Khaewl:abhd3ggr|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
freestyler87:papir1|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
show support
lahfear:suutari12|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
laduladu:dardubala7|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
sintris:Fna5ssZ35|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 16:20:14 08-03-2018
3 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 10
3 Rune Pages
7 Champions Akali Xin Zhao Ashe Tryndamere Janna Kayle Ryze
2 Skins Stinger Akali Judgment Kayle
McMufflon:Lusa9898|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
wat152:asdqwe123123|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 21:53:36 26-08-2016
1 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 25
2 Rune Pages
10 Champions Nunu & Willump Lulu Sona Blitzcrank Katarina Irelia Kayle Nami Thresh Zyra
6 Skins Judgment Kayle Riot Kayle Deep Terror Thresh Aviator Irelia Infiltrator Irelia iBlitzcrank
DaMadnezz:mcmcmc96|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
MrBubbleMan:thomsa123|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
kkk618:mostwanted618|Email Verified? true
Last Played @ 20:44:39 22-01-2017
0 Refunds Remaining
Summoner Level - 30
4 Rune Pages
87 Champions Annie Olaf Diana Twisted Fate Xin Zhao Quinn Urgot Syndra LeBlanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Kayle Aatrox Master Yi Alistar Ryze Sion Sivir Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu & Willump Miss Fortune Ashe Gnar Tryndamere Jax Morgana Singed Thresh Twitch Yasuo Cho'Gath Amumu Anivia Shaco Dr. Mundo Gangplank Karma Taric Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Katarina Maokai Renekton Jarvan IV Elise Orianna Wukong Brand Lee Sin Vayne Jhin Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Yorick Akali Kennen Garen Talon Riven Jinx Shen Lux Shyvana Fizz Rengar Zed Varus Fiora Ziggs Ekko Lulu Draven Hecarim Kha'Zix Darius Vi Jayce
11 Skins Panda Annie Riot Girl Tristana Traditional Lee Sin Death Blossom Elise Woad King Darius Acolyte Lee Sin Debonair Jayce Dino Gnar Mecha Kha'Zix Winged Hussar Xin Zhao High Command Katarina
Radex08:blackriver1|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
AJDxB:ajdxb344|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
mikoszafa:szafa1234|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
Erenerolgs98:656972ee|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
skkayman:mnhck16a|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
tatianito:tata780103|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
gamesharkakaflash:nick09nick09|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
xxerselxx:mos133345|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
TheWoody:barcelona43|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
tasah:mot2468|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
therage889:theone889|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
LordLavacake:niklas99|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
GrimGrimoire:sander666|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
romik112:romik112|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
Khaewl:abhd3ggr|Account does not have a wallet (IP/RP not setup). Capture cannot continue.
freestyler87:papir1|Account does not have a summoner created (Account Not Setup). Capture cannot continue.
show support