Rainbow Fresh
GIF Artist
300 XP
25 Free Design Resources
http://www.0to255.com/ - 0 to 255 will find you darker and lighter colors based on any color
https://coolors.co/ - Coolors is a really handy tool for instant color scheme generation
https://webgradients.com/ - Beautiful linear web gradients with easy CSS3 crossbrowser code— free for use.
http://www.colinkeany.com/blend/ - Blend any two colors into a seamless gradient
https://www.awwwards.com/awwwards/collections/free-fonts/ - Free, unique type faces brought to you by one of the most innovative design competitions on the web
https://fontpair.co/ - A mastery of typography isn’t for everyone, this tool will pair complimentary fonts together and remove the guesswork
https://betterwebtype.com/ - But if you do decide typography is for you, this free web course will set you up for success
https://fontspark.app/ - Need inspiration for a header type face? This random generator will give you a myriad of font options in your phrase of choice.
https://www.invisionapp.com/studio - Invision Studio is our personal favorite and prototyping tool of choice.
https://www.adobe.com/products/xd.html - Adobe XD is another free alternative to Sketch built by Adobe.
https://www.lists.design/ - List.design will generate all sorts of lists for filling in data in user focused designs
https://uinames.com/ - Generate names, real user avatars, addresses, and more with this handy tool
http://instantlogosearch.com/ - Instant logo search is just what it sounds, search and download thousands of logos instantly
https://unsplash.com/ - I’m sure many of you know Unsplash but as a personal favorite of mine, I couldn’t help but add it to the list for those who haven’t fully discovered the power of beautiful imagery in their designs.
https://www.blobmaker.app/ - Blobmaker will generate fun blob accents that you can customize the size and complexity of. Great when your project needs that little extra something!
https://undraw.co/ - Undraw.co is a an open source illustration generator that allows you customize and export useful graphics!
http://sureskumar.com/looper/ - Looper is a handy Sketch plugin that allows you to create elaborate patterns in an instant!
https://www.flaticon.com/ - Free icons. Need I say more?
https://www.humaaans.com/ - A free mix & match illustration kit by Sketch
https://avataaars.com/ - A free library of spunky avatars you can mix & match to hearts desire!
https://bottts.com/ - Same! ...but robots.
http://thepatternlibrary.com/ - Just an elaborate library of funky patterns free for you to use~
https://coolbackgrounds.io/ - Cool backgrounds will generate those cool backgrounds you never know how those graphic artists come up with
https://trianglify.io/ - Customize and generate complex 3 point geometric patterns
https://rotato.xyz/ - At Kaeles, presentation is everything. We believe in showcasing hard work, and rotato’s 3D presentation tool does it best.
http://www.0to255.com/ - 0 to 255 will find you darker and lighter colors based on any color
https://coolors.co/ - Coolors is a really handy tool for instant color scheme generation
https://webgradients.com/ - Beautiful linear web gradients with easy CSS3 crossbrowser code— free for use.
http://www.colinkeany.com/blend/ - Blend any two colors into a seamless gradient
https://www.awwwards.com/awwwards/collections/free-fonts/ - Free, unique type faces brought to you by one of the most innovative design competitions on the web
https://fontpair.co/ - A mastery of typography isn’t for everyone, this tool will pair complimentary fonts together and remove the guesswork
https://betterwebtype.com/ - But if you do decide typography is for you, this free web course will set you up for success
https://fontspark.app/ - Need inspiration for a header type face? This random generator will give you a myriad of font options in your phrase of choice.
https://www.invisionapp.com/studio - Invision Studio is our personal favorite and prototyping tool of choice.
https://www.adobe.com/products/xd.html - Adobe XD is another free alternative to Sketch built by Adobe.
https://www.lists.design/ - List.design will generate all sorts of lists for filling in data in user focused designs
https://uinames.com/ - Generate names, real user avatars, addresses, and more with this handy tool
http://instantlogosearch.com/ - Instant logo search is just what it sounds, search and download thousands of logos instantly
https://unsplash.com/ - I’m sure many of you know Unsplash but as a personal favorite of mine, I couldn’t help but add it to the list for those who haven’t fully discovered the power of beautiful imagery in their designs.
https://www.blobmaker.app/ - Blobmaker will generate fun blob accents that you can customize the size and complexity of. Great when your project needs that little extra something!
https://undraw.co/ - Undraw.co is a an open source illustration generator that allows you customize and export useful graphics!
http://sureskumar.com/looper/ - Looper is a handy Sketch plugin that allows you to create elaborate patterns in an instant!
https://www.flaticon.com/ - Free icons. Need I say more?
https://www.humaaans.com/ - A free mix & match illustration kit by Sketch
https://avataaars.com/ - A free library of spunky avatars you can mix & match to hearts desire!
https://bottts.com/ - Same! ...but robots.
http://thepatternlibrary.com/ - Just an elaborate library of funky patterns free for you to use~
https://coolbackgrounds.io/ - Cool backgrounds will generate those cool backgrounds you never know how those graphic artists come up with
https://trianglify.io/ - Customize and generate complex 3 point geometric patterns
https://rotato.xyz/ - At Kaeles, presentation is everything. We believe in showcasing hard work, and rotato’s 3D presentation tool does it best.