Voice Search Pro
200 XP
I've been cracking for almost 4 years now and I've learned a lot since I first started. In this tutorial I will teach you the basics of what I wish I knew when I was a beginner.
this tutorial answers the following:
How to get good combos
Where to get proxies
What checker to use
How to stay safe
There is a big misconception that everyone cracking is sqling their own combos. This is entirely false. 95% of the people that are posting accounts on this forum are just taking combos from databases that are already public and have been posted. So in order to get good combo-lists goto the and databases section and look for a database that best suites what you are cracking. (OPTIONAL) Once you download the database you can make it more HQ for the site you are cracking. If the site you are cracking requires a password of 8 characters and 1 Capital, you can use regex to remove all combos that don't meet that requirement. If you don't know regex you can use by DarkoMate .
I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that you can get free proxies that are as good as paid. You cant. If you are going to scrape proxies you have to accept the fact that they are going to be sub-par. There is nothing special here and taking proxies from ProxyScrape.com is fine. There are some methods to get paid proxies for free, https://buy.fineproxy.org/eng/ free 30 minutes(requires SMS) luminati.io/cp/dashboard free $5 credit(requires verified paypal/cc). If you are an avid cracker I would recommend against buying proxies because it can be a bad investment.
DO NOT download 50 checkers for everything that you want to crack, and just use
You should only download another checker if there is a config you cant find for OpenBullet and there is a checker available for it. You can find working configs for OpenBullet in the section of the forum.
Whatever tools you download you should run in https://www.sandboxie.com or a virtual machine / rdp. I assure you there is plenty of malware on this forum and its not just from some new user. There are "HQ" members on this forum that have been seen posting malware so TRUST NO ONE. While cracking you should always be under a VPN, I have posted plenty of NordVPN accounts you can use for that purpose.
Nulled.to Administrators Actively Ban "Leeches" Who Respond To Content Without Leaving Feedback or Contributing Their Own Leaks. Once you are banned your email and IP address are public
you can contact me if you wish to buy hq rdps/accounts/combos
this tutorial answers the following:
How to get good combos
Where to get proxies
What checker to use
How to stay safe
There is a big misconception that everyone cracking is sqling their own combos. This is entirely false. 95% of the people that are posting accounts on this forum are just taking combos from databases that are already public and have been posted. So in order to get good combo-lists goto the and databases section and look for a database that best suites what you are cracking. (OPTIONAL) Once you download the database you can make it more HQ for the site you are cracking. If the site you are cracking requires a password of 8 characters and 1 Capital, you can use regex to remove all combos that don't meet that requirement. If you don't know regex you can use by DarkoMate .
I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that you can get free proxies that are as good as paid. You cant. If you are going to scrape proxies you have to accept the fact that they are going to be sub-par. There is nothing special here and taking proxies from ProxyScrape.com is fine. There are some methods to get paid proxies for free, https://buy.fineproxy.org/eng/ free 30 minutes(requires SMS) luminati.io/cp/dashboard free $5 credit(requires verified paypal/cc). If you are an avid cracker I would recommend against buying proxies because it can be a bad investment.
DO NOT download 50 checkers for everything that you want to crack, and just use
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
Whatever tools you download you should run in https://www.sandboxie.com or a virtual machine / rdp. I assure you there is plenty of malware on this forum and its not just from some new user. There are "HQ" members on this forum that have been seen posting malware so TRUST NO ONE. While cracking you should always be under a VPN, I have posted plenty of NordVPN accounts you can use for that purpose.
Nulled.to Administrators Actively Ban "Leeches" Who Respond To Content Without Leaving Feedback or Contributing Their Own Leaks. Once you are banned your email and IP address are public
you can contact me if you wish to buy hq rdps/accounts/combos