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Kali Linux has it, Windows doesn't
- How to setup v3n0m here.
Chapter 1: How to Install v3n0m-scanner + Installing Modules + Required Commands.
All Scanners, are used for a mainly purpose, this time we will use a scanner to scan URLS.
Some Scanners are public, some of the privates are hard to get, this is a Complete Scanner.
Searchs: [Bing, Google, Yahoo] One of the best Pages to search up some keywords.
I do, recommend use this on [Kali Linux] To get better results.
If you're going to Install [Kali Linux] Don't be afraid of contact me, I'll be glad to set-up.
So basically, we need some commands to add in the python.exe, do not worry we can do this over CMD.
Okay, so.. Once we have CMD Opened.
We, are going to type the follow command to PATH to our v3n0m-scanner-master Folder.
Here are the commands, to check the path as an example.
Normal Command prompt, opens like "C:\Users\AntiLeech>" That's my Folder when i open "CMD"
Next, thing that we are going to type are the commands that are below.
Command 1: cd deskstop
Command 2: cd v3n0m-scanner-master
Command 3: apt-get install python3-dev apt-get install python-dev
[You're going to type this once you're on [v3n0m-scannner-master] Advise: DO NOT Make it twice.
Otherwise you may get Syntax Error that will cause the program, not run.
Command 4: Install by typing this command python3 setup.py install --user let the program works by itself.
Okay, so once that we have been put all this awesome commands, you should remember.
cd desktop
cd v3n0m-scanner-master
cd src
cd v3n0m.py [To Open V3N0M]
Chapter 2: How to Get dorks, well guys this is where I come to explain.
For the Dorks, I do recommends our service, we have.
Services down below.
Dork Tutorials by: DonXirus, Kostrikov, SDS, And Me.. ImAntiLeech.
Dork Makers by: DonXirus, Kostrikov, SDS, And Me.. ImAntiLeech.
Yeah, we are Professionals in this. Enough keep koing reading this awesome tutorial.
Okay, we are here to try to get some Dorks going on here, and YOU yes, THE ONE THAS READING THIS.
Show some love by kissing my dorkers, stop being so funny.
I recommend the next Tools, for newbies:
UCT Dork Generator V1. [This tool, is incredible let you add inurl: and site:
Dork Generator By Th3Ner0x [ Awesome tool, used a long time ago Fast Maker tho]
SQLi Dork Generator By JohnDoe V2.21 [ This Tool is "Semi-Complete" Dorks, Scanning, ETC]
Ez Dork Gen Deluxe [Paid] Okay, guys PAID TOOLS aren't High Quality and will not giving you DB. [Love you PlusUltra] I'm just saying, what i think.
Ez Dork Gen [Free] You can get it, on [Youtube, Google, Many other forums, etc]
¿Is that done AntiLeech?
Let me ask you something, so you actually think that this shit is going to make it by itself?
No my bro, trust me.. This is another level of teaching and learning some knowledge.
Without Dorks you can't get Combos.
Without Combos, you can't get Accounts that = Hits.
1. Brain [¿Why?] Use your brain, to type some keywords, most of them are public even if you don't actually take care of them will still getting you URLS.
2. Keyboard [¿The fuck?] If you're reading this, and you don't have one just fucking go to Best buy and get one.
3. Time [¿Again More, time?] Yes, you need time to think, time to learn and time to remember everything that you do/make. Time if money, like everyone says right?
4. Knowledge [¿The fuck is that?] Okay guys, Knowledge isn't free.. Trust me NO ONE TEACHED ME This, what' I'm actually saying to all of you guys.. I learned from researches over the past and over, over and over..
5. Computer [¿Really?] If you don't have one, you're reading this on MOBILE so gtfo and don't waste your time.
6. Keywords [¿Why?] Okay, without "Keywords" you cannot get any seeds or searchs on pages..
¿Automatic generated keywords? Humm, yeah sometimes but no. BULLSHIT! USE YOUR BRAIN, that's why you have one.
How to add the dorks, inside of a file in v3n0m-scanner-master folder.
My folder is: C:\Users\AntiLeech\Desktop\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists
Your folder: C:\Users\TEST\TEST\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists
You're going to open a file called: d0rks. [If it says how to open it, open it with notepad]
Make sure, to clean all that's inside of the folder first, before putting your d0rks inside.
Chapter 3: What type of proxy, we put on the scanner?
Some checkers/bruteforcers/scanners uses proxies and some of them are proxyless.
I recommend using Fast and Private proxies from StormProxies, Fineproxy, Proxies24.
¿Why are we adding an "Special Proxy"
This proxy, is debugged by a tool called "Fiddler" This tool, debugs any site to get all the info it can be used to create Configs too, without any problems but this is NOT a CONFIG TUTORIAL.
There's some videos on youtube, that actually shows how to set it up.. ¿Easy? Yeah, Fast + simple.
The proxy is: [Uses to debug]
Port proxy is: 8080 [If you're reading this, is not late]
Chapter 4: Settings.
Just as most checkers, they use Threads/Pages/Bots.
Keep in mind about the amount of Threads and pages, that we are using on this awesome Scanner to get our URL'S Injected and Exploited..
My settings are the next below.
USER/PASS: Leave blank.
Proxy type: Socks5
Proxy Number: [I sometimes, put paid socks5 or socks4 on it :)]
Proxy Port: 8080 [That number changes for example: IP: 65.21.424.316 Port: 28394]
Start Analizing the threads, to get them save it into a file..
Chapter 5: Hits
After a while, you'll get them URL hits, for amm.. I forgot! Oh, yeah the Databases..
Once the procces, is done you should type [4] and type the name of saving..
Example: test.txt [Press enter]
Go to your folder, c:\AntiLeech\Desktop\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists "Test.txt" Open it, you will have the URLS there.
This is all of the information, that you have to know, without PICTURES.
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
Kali Linux has it, Windows doesn't
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
Chapter 1: How to Install v3n0m-scanner + Installing Modules + Required Commands.
All Scanners, are used for a mainly purpose, this time we will use a scanner to scan URLS.
Some Scanners are public, some of the privates are hard to get, this is a Complete Scanner.
Searchs: [Bing, Google, Yahoo] One of the best Pages to search up some keywords.
I do, recommend use this on [Kali Linux] To get better results.
If you're going to Install [Kali Linux] Don't be afraid of contact me, I'll be glad to set-up.
So basically, we need some commands to add in the python.exe, do not worry we can do this over CMD.
Okay, so.. Once we have CMD Opened.
We, are going to type the follow command to PATH to our v3n0m-scanner-master Folder.
Here are the commands, to check the path as an example.
Normal Command prompt, opens like "C:\Users\AntiLeech>" That's my Folder when i open "CMD"
Next, thing that we are going to type are the commands that are below.
Command 1: cd deskstop
Command 2: cd v3n0m-scanner-master
Command 3: apt-get install python3-dev apt-get install python-dev
[You're going to type this once you're on [v3n0m-scannner-master] Advise: DO NOT Make it twice.
Otherwise you may get Syntax Error that will cause the program, not run.
Command 4: Install by typing this command python3 setup.py install --user let the program works by itself.
Okay, so once that we have been put all this awesome commands, you should remember.
cd desktop
cd v3n0m-scanner-master
cd src
cd v3n0m.py [To Open V3N0M]
Chapter 2: How to Get dorks, well guys this is where I come to explain.
For the Dorks, I do recommends our service, we have.
Services down below.
Dork Tutorials by: DonXirus, Kostrikov, SDS, And Me.. ImAntiLeech.
Dork Makers by: DonXirus, Kostrikov, SDS, And Me.. ImAntiLeech.
Yeah, we are Professionals in this. Enough keep koing reading this awesome tutorial.
Okay, we are here to try to get some Dorks going on here, and YOU yes, THE ONE THAS READING THIS.
Show some love by kissing my dorkers, stop being so funny.
I recommend the next Tools, for newbies:
UCT Dork Generator V1. [This tool, is incredible let you add inurl: and site:
Dork Generator By Th3Ner0x [ Awesome tool, used a long time ago Fast Maker tho]
SQLi Dork Generator By JohnDoe V2.21 [ This Tool is "Semi-Complete" Dorks, Scanning, ETC]
Ez Dork Gen Deluxe [Paid] Okay, guys PAID TOOLS aren't High Quality and will not giving you DB. [Love you PlusUltra] I'm just saying, what i think.
Ez Dork Gen [Free] You can get it, on [Youtube, Google, Many other forums, etc]
¿Is that done AntiLeech?
Let me ask you something, so you actually think that this shit is going to make it by itself?
No my bro, trust me.. This is another level of teaching and learning some knowledge.
Without Dorks you can't get Combos.
Without Combos, you can't get Accounts that = Hits.
1. Brain [¿Why?] Use your brain, to type some keywords, most of them are public even if you don't actually take care of them will still getting you URLS.
2. Keyboard [¿The fuck?] If you're reading this, and you don't have one just fucking go to Best buy and get one.
3. Time [¿Again More, time?] Yes, you need time to think, time to learn and time to remember everything that you do/make. Time if money, like everyone says right?
4. Knowledge [¿The fuck is that?] Okay guys, Knowledge isn't free.. Trust me NO ONE TEACHED ME This, what' I'm actually saying to all of you guys.. I learned from researches over the past and over, over and over..
5. Computer [¿Really?] If you don't have one, you're reading this on MOBILE so gtfo and don't waste your time.
6. Keywords [¿Why?] Okay, without "Keywords" you cannot get any seeds or searchs on pages..
¿Automatic generated keywords? Humm, yeah sometimes but no. BULLSHIT! USE YOUR BRAIN, that's why you have one.
How to add the dorks, inside of a file in v3n0m-scanner-master folder.
My folder is: C:\Users\AntiLeech\Desktop\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists
Your folder: C:\Users\TEST\TEST\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists
You're going to open a file called: d0rks. [If it says how to open it, open it with notepad]
Make sure, to clean all that's inside of the folder first, before putting your d0rks inside.
Chapter 3: What type of proxy, we put on the scanner?
Some checkers/bruteforcers/scanners uses proxies and some of them are proxyless.
I recommend using Fast and Private proxies from StormProxies, Fineproxy, Proxies24.
¿Why are we adding an "Special Proxy"
This proxy, is debugged by a tool called "Fiddler" This tool, debugs any site to get all the info it can be used to create Configs too, without any problems but this is NOT a CONFIG TUTORIAL.
There's some videos on youtube, that actually shows how to set it up.. ¿Easy? Yeah, Fast + simple.
The proxy is: [Uses to debug]
Port proxy is: 8080 [If you're reading this, is not late]
Chapter 4: Settings.
Just as most checkers, they use Threads/Pages/Bots.
Keep in mind about the amount of Threads and pages, that we are using on this awesome Scanner to get our URL'S Injected and Exploited..
My settings are the next below.
USER/PASS: Leave blank.
Proxy type: Socks5
Proxy Number: [I sometimes, put paid socks5 or socks4 on it :)]
Proxy Port: 8080 [That number changes for example: IP: 65.21.424.316 Port: 28394]
Start Analizing the threads, to get them save it into a file..
Chapter 5: Hits
After a while, you'll get them URL hits, for amm.. I forgot! Oh, yeah the Databases..
Once the procces, is done you should type [4] and type the name of saving..
Example: test.txt [Press enter]
Go to your folder, c:\AntiLeech\Desktop\V3n0M-Scanner-master\src\lists "Test.txt" Open it, you will have the URLS there.
This is all of the information, that you have to know, without PICTURES.