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10 Common mistakes that we all keep doing.


Crypto Ecosystem Analyst
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LEVEL 1 400 XP
#1 - Overstaying (Team fight version) This usually happens right after winning a team fight or skirmish that results in your team taking a tower. Your team continues to push with low HP or teammates are no longer at your side. The enemy team regroups or respawns and proceeds to kill all who stayed. It happens more often early in the game as respawn times are much shorter, however it is more devastating late game because your timers are longer. FIX: Keep a close eye on spawn timers and be aware of any living enemies on the map. Always safer to take your advantage and not chance a death. Fall back and grab their jungle or dragon on the way out before going back to base.
#2 - Overstaying (Laning version) Similar to #1, but it happens during the laning phase. You killed your opponent and barely survive but decide to push your advantage because minions. Out pops a jungler or his top teammate with TP and kills you. Congratulations, you have just given back most of your advantage. Even if you don't get killed, if you stay to get more CS and don't push the lane, many times your lane opponent shows back up and you then decide to go to base, but now he has upgraded items and is able to push the lane and chunk your turret. FIX: Push lane to tower if you have vision and are sure your opponent wont be back to lane before you get there; otherwise, take a few low HP cs and head back to base.
#3 - Going back to base at the wrong place/time Jinx, Lux and Draven get so many kills from these people. You know the ones. They have a sliver of life and immediately hit B in lane, in sight of minions, wards or enemy champs. ZAP! DEAD!. One other example would be shopping for items before you're actually at the base. FIX: Just don't. Unless absolutely no time to do so, find a safe spot to hit B from. Another tip, don't hit B during a siege just on the other side of the base wall. This is usually warded.
On the flip side of this, for Pete's sake, don't go to base when you just won a big team fight and ace them. Take a damn turret or two. Too many times this happens where three of your team immediately B after these fights. Push the lane and take objectives. They can't kill you if they are dead. As long as you watch their spawn timers you should be good.
#4 - Trading your life in order to get a kill Yeah, a Zed with 15 kills looks great on the scoreboard, but not at the cost of 13 deaths. Those 13 deaths gave their team lots of gold. Brag all you want about your mad skillz, I'd rather have a 2-2-2 Heimerdinger on my team than a 15-14 Zed. Why? Because Heimer isn't spending his time dead and doing nothing...he is pushing a lane. If you are winning lane, ya be aggressive but not at the cost of dying. You cant CS if you are dead. 15 minions = 1 kill's worth of gold. FIX: Unless your death provides a meat shield and advantage for the team (sorry Alistar, we loved you man) play safely aggressive.
#5 - Blaming others for your mistakes All in Xin or Leona engages are fantastic; but only if your team follows up immediately. When you die attempting these engages its easy to rage and blame. But if your team didn't follow you maybe they weren't prepared to engage for various reasons. Low mana, abilities on cooldown or even just IRL distractions. FIX: Spam ping your intentions. G ping onto the enemy you want to target and ping again showing you intend to engage. Hell...do it twice to avoid any confusion.
Another example would be when bot support goes to base and/or roam and ADC gets to lane early, gets duo combo'd from the enemy and dies. DO NOT blame your support. Yea, things would have gone better had they been there things may have ended differently, but ultimately, it was the ADC choice not to play safe especially knowing they were by themselves. Raging at your team provides nothing productive. FIX: Ask your support to base when you do and/or not roam while your are heading to lane.
#6 - Playing other summoner's champs This starts in champ select and goes something like "AW Don't pick <champ name> pls. Troll Pick". Or "We really needed somebody like <champ name> instead of <other champ name>". During the game telling that person what abilities to do and when. This gets old real quick. People don't like unwarranted advice. FIX: Gently persuade people. In champ select ask if they can play a certain champ but be polite if they refuse. In game you can advise tactfully. Things like, "I've never tried that build on <champ> before. Is it any good?" Or "I usually max first". Put the emphasis on you...not them.
#7 - Forgetting to ward I know this is a no brainer but it's absolutely relevant and be surprised the lack of it in all tiers. I spectate a lot of games and still see people in plat and diamond not warding; as if they couldn't be bothered to do so. Game stats that show players never buying a pink. There should be a pink on the map (or one that was just killed) for every member on the team at all times. Unless you are full build and pushing the nexus, you should always leave room for a pink ward. Don't forget the upgrade your trinket. Supports should usually get sweepers and pushers/splitters should get the blue.
#8 - Overestimating your power This could relate to both your personal skill and/or to your power level in game. A fed Master Yi and Yasuo are something to be feared for sure but too many people overestimate what they can do. A couple things here; first, if you have taken all gank kills as Yi or Udyr and are running around 13-2 while your Trist is 2-5 and Voli top is 1-4 there is mis balance on your team. The rest of the team is not as strong as you. Secondly, you are fed and win 1v2 or 1v3 easily...until you don't. Most smart teams eventually come up with a plan to limit your power. And many games are thrown from this exact scenario. One member is fed beyond control while the rest of the team are "being carried". The rub is, if you are focused and die in a team fight early, what happens to the rest of the team? Chances are they gonna be rekt and the game might end right there. FIX: Just play smart. If you don't want to spread the kills/gold around to level the power around your team thats one thing but then don't die.
#9 - Lack of participation An example would be playing Annie mid or Sivir bot and all you have been doing is farming. Maybe you make a feeble attempt to roam if a fight breaks out and you don't make it to the other lane in time. So you go back to your lane and continue farming. CS is looking good and you base when you are supposed to and you have plenty of ward coverage. You are up by 30+ on your lane opponent and are feeling pretty good. Then you realize your team is losing. Maybe even losing bad. You had been so focused on laning and farming that you forgot about your team. You had tried a couple times to help but retreated when all looked lost. By the end of the game, you finish 3-1-1 with 340 cs and your bot lane fed as much as the Red Cross and your team loses. FIX: Be there when you are needed. This goes for top laners like Garen, Nasus with TP as well. Shit going down over and over bot lane? Stop using TP just to get back to lane and be there for your team. You are fed on minions, they need your presence.
#10 - Facechecking How many times have you walked through the river and 4 guys jump out at you and 100-0 in 1.1 sec? Have you ever had a fight with an enemy and 'almost' kill them as they are running away but you still have your flash and you can get the kill...only to get #WTFREKT chasing them into a bush? Yeah. Happens every game. Happens 5-10 times a game. ALL unnecessary deaths. Roaming a river and not realizing that four of the enemy are not showing on the map...thats trouble. Chasing that kill into bush without realized those same four are missing; well your prey is the bait and you are the catch. FIX: Have vision of the area. Grab blue trinket and ward ahead into the bush of the guy you are chasing. Have more map awareness. Those ping spams your team is hitting you with are probably for good reason.
As always, have fun and best of luck in the Fields of Justice!



