Release Engineer
300 XP
UP GAME - private cheats for any games
OUR WEBSITE - up-game.pro ?
| Game Version: Last [Steam]
| Supported anti-cheats : Easy-Anti-Cheat + Cerberus
| Supported Processors : Intel & AMD
| Supported OS only x64: Windows 10 - 11
| Supports modes: All
Silent Aim - Enable Silent Aim
Prediction - Bullet prevention
Fov is the radius of aim operation
Bone to Aim - Bone for aim
Nearest - Random bone
Sleeper Check - Do not point at the sleepers
Team Check - Don't point at team mates
Knock Check - Do not point at the crazy
Visible Check - Do not point at the invisible
Enable ESP - Turn on the backlight
Bot ESP - Bots
2D Box - A box for the player
Player Sleeper ESP - Sleeping Players
Player Wounded ESP - Knocked Out Players
Player Health - Player's health
Player Corpse - Corpses
Player Nickname - The name of the player
Player Active Weapon - The player's weapon
Ignore Sleeping - Ignore the sleepers
Gun Trap ESP - Rendering a gun trap
Auto Turret ESP - Rendering of an auto turret
Flame Turret ESP - Rendering of a fire turret
Land Air Turret ESP - Rendering of an aerial turret
Minicopter ESP - Rendering of a mini helicopter
Cow ESP - Cow Rendering
Boat ESP - Boat rendering
Big Boat ESP - Drawing a big boat
Air Drop - Airdrop rendering
Stash ESP - Drawing stashes
Hemp ESP - Drawing bushes
Dropped Items - Drawing objects on the floor
Cupboard ESP - Cabinet rendering
Ore ESP - Ore rendering [Sulfur | Metal | Stone]
Sulphur Ore - Sulfur
Stone Ore - Stone
Metal Ore - Metal
Silent Melle is a silent melee weapon.
Super Eoka - Eoka 100%
No Spread - No spread
No Recoil - Removes recoil
No Sway - No shaky weapons
Fast Shot - Fast shooting
Fast Bow - Fast Bow
Super Melee - Increased attack range with bladed weapons
Safe No Recoil - Removes the recoil so as not to burn on the server.
Thick Bullet - Thick bullets
Thick Bullets Size - Custom bullet size
Automatic - Automatic shooting with a semi-automatic
Custom Fov - Custom fov
Custom Zoom - change the zoom in the game
Custom Weather - change the weather
Fast Heal - Fast Heal
Fly Hack - Flying on the map [Low]
No Fall Damage - No fall damage
SpeedHack - Fast running
Long Neck - Long neck
Anti-Aim Twister
Silent Farm - Silent on ore
Fake Lag - high ping (for players).
Big Jump - Big jumps
Admin Mod - Admin Functions
Infinite Jump - Endless jumps
High Jump - High jumps
Always Day is Always a day
Third Person - View from the 3rd person
Debug Camera - Admin Camera
Disabling Game Textures - Disabling textures
OUR WEBSITE - up-game.pro ?
| Game Version: Last [Steam]
| Supported anti-cheats : Easy-Anti-Cheat + Cerberus
| Supported Processors : Intel & AMD
| Supported OS only x64: Windows 10 - 11
| Supports modes: All
Silent Aim - Enable Silent Aim
Prediction - Bullet prevention
Fov is the radius of aim operation
Bone to Aim - Bone for aim
Nearest - Random bone
Sleeper Check - Do not point at the sleepers
Team Check - Don't point at team mates
Knock Check - Do not point at the crazy
Visible Check - Do not point at the invisible
Enable ESP - Turn on the backlight
Bot ESP - Bots
2D Box - A box for the player
Player Sleeper ESP - Sleeping Players
Player Wounded ESP - Knocked Out Players
Player Health - Player's health
Player Corpse - Corpses
Player Nickname - The name of the player
Player Active Weapon - The player's weapon
Ignore Sleeping - Ignore the sleepers
Gun Trap ESP - Rendering a gun trap
Auto Turret ESP - Rendering of an auto turret
Flame Turret ESP - Rendering of a fire turret
Land Air Turret ESP - Rendering of an aerial turret
Minicopter ESP - Rendering of a mini helicopter
Cow ESP - Cow Rendering
Boat ESP - Boat rendering
Big Boat ESP - Drawing a big boat
Air Drop - Airdrop rendering
Stash ESP - Drawing stashes
Hemp ESP - Drawing bushes
Dropped Items - Drawing objects on the floor
Cupboard ESP - Cabinet rendering
Ore ESP - Ore rendering [Sulfur | Metal | Stone]
Sulphur Ore - Sulfur
Stone Ore - Stone
Metal Ore - Metal
Silent Melle is a silent melee weapon.
Super Eoka - Eoka 100%
No Spread - No spread
No Recoil - Removes recoil
No Sway - No shaky weapons
Fast Shot - Fast shooting
Fast Bow - Fast Bow
Super Melee - Increased attack range with bladed weapons
Safe No Recoil - Removes the recoil so as not to burn on the server.
Thick Bullet - Thick bullets
Thick Bullets Size - Custom bullet size
Automatic - Automatic shooting with a semi-automatic
Custom Fov - Custom fov
Custom Zoom - change the zoom in the game
Custom Weather - change the weather
Fast Heal - Fast Heal
Fly Hack - Flying on the map [Low]
No Fall Damage - No fall damage
SpeedHack - Fast running
Long Neck - Long neck
Anti-Aim Twister
Silent Farm - Silent on ore
Fake Lag - high ping (for players).
Big Jump - Big jumps
Admin Mod - Admin Functions
Infinite Jump - Endless jumps
High Jump - High jumps
Always Day is Always a day
Third Person - View from the 3rd person
Debug Camera - Admin Camera
Disabling Game Textures - Disabling textures
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