Doujin Anthology Creator
600 XP
Enjoy guys [without proxy authentication support and single-threaded])
? Added Config Converter option in "Tools" tab of the sidebar
? Added an ability for change your language to your desired one (Multi-Language)
? Added safe-mode for Parse, Lambda and few amounts of Function blocks
? Added NativeLibInvoke block (for invoking functions through native libraries)
? Added "ESLEIF" command in SVBScript
? Added a feature to load different proxy list for each Runner task
? Added Selenium
? Added a new engine for OCR
? Added a feature to use wordlist with range and combination modes
? Added old OCR config to new one while converting old config to SB Pro configs
? Added Words to Numbers and vice versa block
? Added new filters for OCR engine
? Added Runner Scheduler
? Added a block to use captcha solver with puppeteer (currently, it only supports recaptcha)
? Added List reload setting on SB Pro in new build !
Added CalcRelativeTime Block
Added DictionaryToString
Added DictionaryToList
Added the ability to add breakpoints
Added execute of csharp/javaScript/python code in inputs in 'Parse' & 'KeyCheck' blocks
Added Execute java code
Packages updated
Updated ocr engine
Added some features in compiler
Added 2 mode for output compiled config
Added License for Compiler
Added Execute python code in inputs
Added show full log in notepad++ on runner
Added ability to execute cs/js code in inputs
Enjoy guys [without proxy authentication support and single-threaded])
? Added Config Converter option in "Tools" tab of the sidebar
? Added an ability for change your language to your desired one (Multi-Language)
? Added safe-mode for Parse, Lambda and few amounts of Function blocks
? Added NativeLibInvoke block (for invoking functions through native libraries)
? Added "ESLEIF" command in SVBScript
? Added a feature to load different proxy list for each Runner task
? Added Selenium
? Added a new engine for OCR
? Added a feature to use wordlist with range and combination modes
? Added old OCR config to new one while converting old config to SB Pro configs
? Added Words to Numbers and vice versa block
? Added new filters for OCR engine
? Added Runner Scheduler
? Added a block to use captcha solver with puppeteer (currently, it only supports recaptcha)
? Added List reload setting on SB Pro in new build !

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