Doujin Reader
400 XP
Its obvious that Telegram is coming to an end. Owner Pavel Durov was arrested for hiding people who were doing scams or any big criminal activity on Telegram. After some days he got released, which the only reason they would do that is to let him continue with Telegram but there's a need to give Government(USAwho else) the access of the backend messaged, which doesn't make Telegram to be more secure.
After that i decided to try to make a 100% encrypted website were people can chat for free and be 100% secure.
Website link ---->
How does it work?
-On the website you have three inputs:
~Name (here you put the Name that your partner will see)
~Room name (here you put the Room name you want to be created or joined)
~Room Password (here you put the Password that the partner needs to put besides Room name to join the Room, or to join some Room you need the password (if he created with it))
| If soomebody joins a room with the right name but not password, they wont see the messages |
Why would I use it?
~It's not really made that people use it everyday for talking with friends. This is more to use if you want to work with someone or to continue working with your partner and be 100% secure that nobody will see the chat.
~This is 100% hidden text, which means even me (the developer) can't see what is talked in a room, i can see the name you put but the message for me is hidden, it shows just some encrypted numbers,symbols and text.
~You can literally join a room without having to register, just enter the room name and password and from any device you can se the past messages and continue talking.
How is it secure?
~As i told over even i don't have access to the messages. Now how the process works is simple. I use for this three services (Telegram as rooms),Discord,Firebase and Pushover.
-Now this works that when you send a message in any room, it will split it and send three encrypted texts to all of those services. Now to receive those texts and decrypt them it will see on telegram which room it is and then combine from all those services the sentence.
~So the point is that without one of those services they can't figure what is told and which room it is, like if they even catch one service they will get only 30% of sentence without any proof from which room it is, and by having all encrypted messages in same servers it will be just a spam they cant figure out.
Only the Backend is 100% made, the design isn't finished yet, since the most important is that it works i didn't put any time to make design
Let me know what you think
After that i decided to try to make a 100% encrypted website were people can chat for free and be 100% secure.
Website link ---->
How does it work?
-On the website you have three inputs:
~Name (here you put the Name that your partner will see)
~Room name (here you put the Room name you want to be created or joined)
~Room Password (here you put the Password that the partner needs to put besides Room name to join the Room, or to join some Room you need the password (if he created with it))
| If soomebody joins a room with the right name but not password, they wont see the messages |
Why would I use it?
~It's not really made that people use it everyday for talking with friends. This is more to use if you want to work with someone or to continue working with your partner and be 100% secure that nobody will see the chat.
~This is 100% hidden text, which means even me (the developer) can't see what is talked in a room, i can see the name you put but the message for me is hidden, it shows just some encrypted numbers,symbols and text.
~You can literally join a room without having to register, just enter the room name and password and from any device you can se the past messages and continue talking.
How is it secure?
~As i told over even i don't have access to the messages. Now how the process works is simple. I use for this three services (Telegram as rooms),Discord,Firebase and Pushover.
-Now this works that when you send a message in any room, it will split it and send three encrypted texts to all of those services. Now to receive those texts and decrypt them it will see on telegram which room it is and then combine from all those services the sentence.
~So the point is that without one of those services they can't figure what is told and which room it is, like if they even catch one service they will get only 30% of sentence without any proof from which room it is, and by having all encrypted messages in same servers it will be just a spam they cant figure out.
Only the Backend is 100% made, the design isn't finished yet, since the most important is that it works i didn't put any time to make design
Let me know what you think