Infrastructure Builder
400 XP
Full Featurelist
Aimbot (Automatically aim at players when they are visible) with Bullet Prediction
Smooth Aim (Slows down aimbot movement)
Smooth Aim Acceleration (Decrease smooth aim after aimbot locks)
Aim Bone and Bone Scan (Select where the aimbot should aim at)
Silent Aim (Hit targets without aiming at them + does not snap) (Currently not available)
Auto Fire (Shoot when the aimbot has a target)
Fire Delay (Wait before shooting automatically)
Auto ADS (Automatically zooms in as soon as the aimbot has a target)
ADS Delay (Wait before automatically zooming)
Aim Key (Only aim while you are holding a key/mouse button)
On Fire Only (Activates the aimbot when firing)
On ADS Only (Activates the aimbot when zooming)
Aim FOV (Select the field of view the aimbot should search for targets in)
Aim Priority (Prioritize targets closest to crosshair or closest to you)
Aim at Downed Players (Shoot at players who are downed)
Draw Aim Box (Visualizes Aimbot Prediction)
Visibility Check (Check if enemies are visible)
Maximum Player Range (Maximum range for Aimbot)
Aim on friendly players
Aim on enemies
Triggerbot (Automatically shoot when you are aiming at a player)
Triggerbot Mode (On Zoom or always)
Fire Delay (Wait before shooting)
Trigger Key (Only trigger while you are holding a key/mouse button)
Trigger on friendly players
Trigger on enemies
ESP (3D Radar)
Player Box (Draws 2D or 3D Boxes around players)
Player Skeleton (Visualises players skeletons)
Player Name (Draws player names)
Player Distance (Shows how far a player is away from you)
Player Weapon (See which weapon a player is using)
Player Line (Draws lines from you to other players)
Grenade Name (See dangerous grenades)
Grenade Distance (See how far grenades are away)
Grenade Line (Draws lines to grenades)
Item Name (See weapons and other items on the ground Works in Warzone)
Item Distance (See how far items are away Works in Warzone)
Item Line (Draws lines to items Works in Warzone)
Show Cash
Show Armor
Show Boxes
Show friendly players
Show enemies
ESP Range Limit
Configurable Font Size
2D Radar
Show Players
Show Grenades
Show Items
Show Friendly (Shows friendly things on the radar)
Show Enemy (Show enemy things on the radar)
Show Window (Draws borders around the radar)
Show Cross (Draws a crosshair in the middle of the radar)
Show FOV (Draws your Field of View on the radar)
Show Dot (Draws a dot in the center of the radar)
Show Cash
Show Armor
Show Boxes
Configurable Radar Size
Configurable Radar Range
Configurable Dot Size
Center Radar (Puts the radar right in the middle of your screen)
Unlock All (Unlock Weapons, Items, Blueprints, Operator Skins and other cosmetics) (Currently not available)
Recoil Reduction (Reduce weapon recoil up to 100%)
No Spread (Removes weapon spread) (Currently not available)
Rapid Fire (Hold the fire button to shoot rapidly)
Crosshair (Shows a crosshair in the middle of your screen)
Configurable Crosshair Size
Download link:
Aimbot (Automatically aim at players when they are visible) with Bullet Prediction
Smooth Aim (Slows down aimbot movement)
Smooth Aim Acceleration (Decrease smooth aim after aimbot locks)
Aim Bone and Bone Scan (Select where the aimbot should aim at)
Silent Aim (Hit targets without aiming at them + does not snap) (Currently not available)
Auto Fire (Shoot when the aimbot has a target)
Fire Delay (Wait before shooting automatically)
Auto ADS (Automatically zooms in as soon as the aimbot has a target)
ADS Delay (Wait before automatically zooming)
Aim Key (Only aim while you are holding a key/mouse button)
On Fire Only (Activates the aimbot when firing)
On ADS Only (Activates the aimbot when zooming)
Aim FOV (Select the field of view the aimbot should search for targets in)
Aim Priority (Prioritize targets closest to crosshair or closest to you)
Aim at Downed Players (Shoot at players who are downed)
Draw Aim Box (Visualizes Aimbot Prediction)
Visibility Check (Check if enemies are visible)
Maximum Player Range (Maximum range for Aimbot)
Aim on friendly players
Aim on enemies
Triggerbot (Automatically shoot when you are aiming at a player)
Triggerbot Mode (On Zoom or always)
Fire Delay (Wait before shooting)
Trigger Key (Only trigger while you are holding a key/mouse button)
Trigger on friendly players
Trigger on enemies
ESP (3D Radar)
Player Box (Draws 2D or 3D Boxes around players)
Player Skeleton (Visualises players skeletons)
Player Name (Draws player names)
Player Distance (Shows how far a player is away from you)
Player Weapon (See which weapon a player is using)
Player Line (Draws lines from you to other players)
Grenade Name (See dangerous grenades)
Grenade Distance (See how far grenades are away)
Grenade Line (Draws lines to grenades)
Item Name (See weapons and other items on the ground Works in Warzone)
Item Distance (See how far items are away Works in Warzone)
Item Line (Draws lines to items Works in Warzone)
Show Cash
Show Armor
Show Boxes
Show friendly players
Show enemies
ESP Range Limit
Configurable Font Size
2D Radar
Show Players
Show Grenades
Show Items
Show Friendly (Shows friendly things on the radar)
Show Enemy (Show enemy things on the radar)
Show Window (Draws borders around the radar)
Show Cross (Draws a crosshair in the middle of the radar)
Show FOV (Draws your Field of View on the radar)
Show Dot (Draws a dot in the center of the radar)
Show Cash
Show Armor
Show Boxes
Configurable Radar Size
Configurable Radar Range
Configurable Dot Size
Center Radar (Puts the radar right in the middle of your screen)
Unlock All (Unlock Weapons, Items, Blueprints, Operator Skins and other cosmetics) (Currently not available)
Recoil Reduction (Reduce weapon recoil up to 100%)
No Spread (Removes weapon spread) (Currently not available)
Rapid Fire (Hold the fire button to shoot rapidly)
Crosshair (Shows a crosshair in the middle of your screen)
Configurable Crosshair Size
Download link:
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