Very Simple Inventory System.
You can add products
You can order products.
Try with yourself and enjoy coding!
If you want to hire me to create you some software.
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Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Flash Messages in PHP Language using PHP Session. The Flash Message that I am talking about is like the CodeIgniter's Flashdata Function. It allows the developer to store a temporary messages or data that can be access on the next request and...
In thisarticle, we will create payloads using a tool named nps_payload and get meterpreter sessions using those payloads. This tool is written by Larry Spohn and Ben Mauch. Find this tool on GitHub.
Attacker: Kali Linux
Target: Windows 10
Table of Content:
Downloading and Installing
What is Ultimate Survey Bot? This is an amazing bot that automates all surveys for you. What does this mean? It means you can easily join all of the GPT sites like PrizeRebel and automate all of your surveys! Doing surveys is actually one of the easiest ways to make money online as it requires...
I know that absolutely no one cares about this, but I wanted to say thank you if you're going to download this. Please, if you don't mind, suggest what more things I should add to this tool. Feel free to share it with people you know :) Please, note that this is not even a ready for...
Ok guys so I have a client that asked me for an isotype (Simple vectorized icon) that represent the genre ALTERNATIVE ROCK. This kind specificaly: . The genre represents being rebel, express lot of emotions and incites to move your body very easly. So after a few sketches he decided for...