Project: Snake Game
The Snake Game with Source Code is a single-player game where the player must get a food that pop out in the board window. The game is very crucial and fun in every aspect, the player must get a food in order to receive a score.
The project was built using a turtle module...
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I recently came across a thought-provoking article discussing the challenges and pitfalls of CRM implementation, titled CRM Implementation Failure I wanted to share my impressions and highly recommend reading...
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Hey Folks, in the tutorial we are going to talk about an amazing wordlist generator tool called “CUPP“. CUPP (Common User Passwords Profiler) is an open source tool which written in python language used to create target based wordlist. Sometimes users keep their account password based on their...
Researchers found that vegetarians who consumed PBMAs had a 42% increased risk of depression compared to vegetarians who refrained from PBMAs.