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  1. T

    PHP - Simple Inline Update Data Using jQuery

    In this tutorial we will create a Simple Inline Update Data using jQuery. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for...
  2. T

    Submit a Code and Win a "NuSphere PhpEd Pro 8.0 License" Contest

    The company behind the NuSphere PhpED in coordination with Sourcecodester.com were inviting programmers and developers to participate in a code submission contest for a chance to win a single license of NuSphere PhpED 8.0 Professional. NuSphere, is one of the most reliable company in the world...
  3. T

    Python Certification Preparation:4 Practice Tests for (2024)

    https://www.udemy.com/course/python-certification-preparation4-practice-tests-for-2024/?couponCode=9AAA31F029B20A19A995 https://dataimpulse.com/?aff=18556 Udemy 100% off Courses...
  4. T

    Random IPs trying to log into my account?

    if this happens to everyone, but there is this i think turkish IP trying to log into my account. tf is this?
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    Udemy Opencv ve Python Turkish

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  6. T

    No-Code Machine Learning with Qlik AutoML

    To view the hidden text, you must post it on the forum 30 days since registration, and now you have 19 days. https://www.udemy.com/course/no-code-machine-learning-with-qlik-automl/?couponCode=COUPON_MARCH https://dataimpulse.com/?aff=18556 Udemy 100% off Courses...
  7. T

    OCE accounts FREE

    x9 OCE ACCOUNTS FOR FREE http://s12.postimg.org/8td3ies6l/veri_recent.png chrisdabest:abc123 WoggyMclaglag:qwe123 MoezDaHoez:MoezDaHoez1 XYCLOUDZ:alpha1 2noob2play:2noob2play TheGreatMagpie:qwerty123 Infest:Infest12 Rival:abc123 hope4death:1qaz2wsx Please +1 and enjoy
  8. T

    Join for Methods And Techniques On Cardin , Crackin And Hackin !!!

    First 100 People to join and likes this post get free Tutorials On Carding , Cracking And Hacking . https://t.me/QunSpcardingcloninghubs
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    Proxy Multi/Others ⭐Proxy Scrape Premium⭐

    Proxy Scrape Premium cracked by me - http/socks4/socks5 - 1000cpm on yahoo config - 2500cpm on minecraft Download link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726147739481669642/938249713847771176/Proxy_Scraper.zip VirusTotal ...
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    [Repost] GET Working .EDU FOR FREE - WORKS 100%

    Hit the GREENso I know you're not a leecher! For those who might not know the benefits of edu email:- 1- Free amazon prime for 6 months 2- Unlimited Google Drive (most useful of pirates like you and me) 3- Google apps for education 4- Discounted Adobe CC 5- Microsoft dreamspark 6- Autodesk...
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    New netflix checker 2020

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  12. T

    SQLi Dumper v 8.3 [Google Working]

    Appreciation = More HQ Stuff *** No permission to see content *** #Run in Sandboxie or VM# https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/a235d21426da06c22015760f2b11702fbb7fc020ab4b31e9985295c231f8b2fc/analysis/1499389734/
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