Tell me guys, should I?
EDIT: I preferred the name obama.
Edited by Phareox, 19 January 2016 - 10:34 PM.
im willing to eloboost for free on plat or higher elos. no cost at all. please pm me if interested so we will talk about the details there.
na/euw/eune only
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Someone cheated me and i dont know where to downvote.
Can someone teach me?
Show me ur kindness!!!
I dont have the red button???
Edited by JaydenBoy, 06 April 2017 - 02:25 PM.
I have one NAaccount that I don't use. So If YOUhave LANaccount and you wanna change toNA account,message me PLZ
My NA account info: LV 30, Gold lll, 44 Champs, 30 Skins
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[Utility] Increased FPS
• That's right, for you to have that kind of weak computer, which is not very well given the map exchange, today I am here with a very simple tutorial on how to increase your FPS.
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For any questions, feel free to contact me via PM. Enjoy cracking!
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