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  • Users: babo
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  1. B

    MySQLi Shortcode Library

    Hi fellas, Just sharing my shortcode mysqli library, this shortcode contains CRUD function such as INSERT, UPDATE AND SELECT functions, and also i added an optimized table. hope this helps on your basic Web developing. Happy coding. Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the...
  2. B

    RGB Color Slider Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

    Welcome to the RGB Color Slider, a fun and interactive web application that empowers you to create custom colors with ease! By adjusting intuitive slider controls for the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) channels, you can mix colors in real time and instantly see the results in the color preview area...
  3. B

    Calculator - My First Basic4Android Application

    Operating System Android I newly discovered B4A due to this website and I was super excited to be able to do something for android. That is why I did this small piece of code to get started. I am eager to be able to deploy robust database applications using this language. I'm just a beginner...
  4. B

    oce level 30 plat 2 account

    andy1234562:1q2w3e Enjoy and troll as hard as you can
  5. B

    Euw LVL 30 Account X 3

    aldarisprime:1Assassin23 alescan55:A16052003s alexnbjdf:alexjet123
  6. B

    go ranked x5

    gogo ranked x5 nick down V
  7. B

    I have some money at pp but can’t use?

    Hello, I have 30 € on my account I wanted to buy amazon gift card but I can’t. I created the account today and got the money today too. Do someone know why Edited by Julia98kk, 24 May 2020 - 12:26 PM.
  8. B

    Best Bot for COC

    Hi, Could you please help in giving a link to download BrokenBot, or give the best bot work till date.
  9. B

    Amateur 19 YO anal

    https://it.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1772104313 https://cl.phncdn.com/gif/14701822.gif
  10. B

    19 EUW @ EUNE Checked Working Lvl 30 accounts | champ&skin shower [Unranked - Plat V]

    Hey! I found here & there a lot of cracked accounts, checked them all, and these are lvl 30 and valuable enough to share IMO. If you like it, I'm glad to share! Love ya'll!
  11. B

    28.09.2024 HTTPS/ SOCKS4/ SOCKS5

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  12. B

    [HELP] Potassium Cyanide

    Interesting facts about cyanide Edited by LymexGlobex, 12 January 2022 - 12:46 AM.
  13. B

    Rare [NA] account [With crap ton of skins] (have fun!)

    found a other dope account in a dump, And im sharing it with you guys - obviously the credits: I managed to count a few of the skins aswell, there was to many to count. Iron Solari Leona Project: Leona Bandit Sivir Pax Sivir Snowstorm Sivir Neon Strike Vi Resistance Caitlyn Artic Warfare...
  14. B

    unverfied inactive lvl 27

  15. B


    Hi! I want to exchange my lol eune acc. I cracked it about 1 year ago but some time ago I played first rankeds there. I reached gold 5 after 10 placements but I want to play on lower div now. Acc has: 21 champs some nice skins like brolaf, ninja rammus, judgment kayle, hussars xin zhao...
  16. B

    Pac. Assemblies L# !

    A pact with the best assemblies for your L # . DOWNLOAD - http://www.4shared.com/rar/N69SlmCTba/Scripts.html? SCAN - https://www.virustotal.com/pt/url/c5e8ada07f84234e4cf777701a7543cc950bb0dd092e526c837a3153d8997c8b/analysis/1437599648/ You helped? Help me also a vote of reputation!
  17. B

    Ask me how I can buy a VIP

    To crash, to study the day or not to know
  18. B

    Dc:7 Vulnhub Walkthrough

    DC:7 writeup, our other CTF challenges for CTF players and it can be download from vulnhub from here. The credit goes to “DCAU” for designing this VM machine for beginners. This is a Linux based CTF challenge where you can use your basic pentest skill to compromise this VM to escalate the root...
  19. B

    anyone got a xfinitywifi config with capture?

    anyone got a xfinitywifi config with capture?
  20. B

    Multi/Others Fresh Chameleon Scam Page 2022

    [Paste your content here. Remove this line and one below!] [DO NOT PASTE THE CONTENT ABOVE OR BELOW THE REPLY QUOTES]



