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In this tutorial we will create a Store Element Value When Drag using JavaScript. This code will dynamically store an element value when drop in the form inputs. The code use JavaScript drag and drop feature in order to store element value by providing an id in the ondragstart() event. A...
Stick Hero Game using JavaScript with Free Source Code
Stick Hero Game with Source Code is a project that is a single-player game where your goal is to create a bamboo stick in order for you to cross. The game has a simple design that contains a multiple sprites. The purpose of the game is to...
Welcome, this tutorial will teach you about Constructors and Methods in Java.
What is a 'Method'?
A method is a block of script which performs for a purpose. The use of methods is to avoid re-writing the same scripts over and over again because instead, you are able to use the...
Email/User: EMAIL:PASS
Proxies: NO
Captcha: No
Capture: Plan & Plan Description & Expire
Recommended Bots: 200
Last checked: Today
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Used for about a week now for boosting tiktok I use for advertisements for side hustle. Works well usualy bot 15k views per post.
Often pair this with TikTok advertisement methods for easier money.
Using from UK vpn (Sometimes specific view websites only work for specific countries).
IMPORTANT: i'm not the creator of this hack
F12 - Open / Close (Hide / Show Menu)
F8 - Autofire on - off (On / Off AutoFire)
F6 - Item Esp open / close (On / Off Item Esp)
Insert - Chams open - close (On / Off Chams)
Name Esp: Auto Activate
Aimbot: Locked to enemy with right mouse...