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Hi All,
Here is my first upload. I developed the database for the ABC name withheld. It is being used as you are reading this few lines. I have removed some modules to fit that newbie in Ms Access.
Feel free to download and edit it the way you want. DO NOT SALE IT and if you do let me have...
How To Recite Eeman Mujmal And Eeman Mufassal Correctly
How To Recite The Basic Kalimah To Accept Islam, And Kalimah Shaadah Correctly
What Are The Seven Compulsory Beliefs Without Which Muslims Faith Is Incomplete
Introduction Of Five Pillars Of Islam
What To Recite While Praying SALAAH
How To...
I am looking to buy a PC as an upgrade for my crappy laptop. Can some one suggest a good pre-built PC or some sorta guides on how to build a PC? Cuz im literally clueless lol. Suggest what you like below.