Want to trade lvl 30 NA acc with EUW lvl 30 ACC
29 champs
2 skins
Silver 5 current rank
i want EUW acc with same specs i dnt care bout current rank just a level 30 with 30+champs
the acc level'd by mee so its verified to my email
i dnt want to trade with botted acc
I'm thinking that this leaching points just make people posting uninteresting discussions just to "make points". The forum is now filled with a great amount of trash, including achievements discussions threads as "I closed the door and it is an achievement". I don't know enough of informatics to...
Well Im trying to get a grasp on it but still its kinda difficult to get it.
i spoke to a guy who kinda knows that stuff and as i understood if i invest cash in bitcoin mining its like 30% revenue. is it true?
i cant beleive that if i invest €10000 i would get €3000 per month for doing nothing...