This tutorial is on how to create a simple clock in Visual Basic.
For this, we simply need a new Windows Form, with one label - call it; 'clockLbl'. You may center the label to the middle of the form in both x and y axis' and give it a large font size.
We also need a...
I got a lot of questions on my first release. So i decided to upgrade the config a little.
CPM: 60 (Every hit is a proxy.)
Quality: good.
Combo: Doesnt matter...
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*** No permission to see content *** We Start Our Free Services Again - Before Joining -...
I am Back, will be 24 hour uploads only to keep config un-leeched to much as to maintain quality for longer. Do not reply to this as no longer here, keep an eye out for new configs I decide to share thanks.
Edited by JakeAntonStones, 03 November 2017 - 05:13 AM.
Hi guys, someone is playing tree of savior here?
I came to talk about some potential hacks in the game, You can change the speed of the character using the CE.
Other things that we can do: - Semi God Mode (working for melee mobs / boss only, worked best for Peltast with swash buckling) -...