Tic Tac Toe Vs AI Game in Python Free Source Code
The Tic Tac Toe Vs AI Game in Python is a single-player game desktop application coded in a Python programming language. The project contains function that display the actual gameplay. This application contains only a text and...
Baby Care System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code
The Baby Care System is a web based system that is made up of PHP, JavaScript, CSS and MySQL for the database. This Baby Care System in PHP/MySQLi is designed as very simple and user friendly, that anyone who uses it won’t find any difficulty...
This jQuery script allows images of different angles of an object to rotate depends in the order of images defined in the html file.
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will...
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Hi there/tjaba,
I have a method (last tested today) on a well known online casino in Sweden. It does require you to use your BankID to verify yourself but all this is done by you - i just guide you through it. The method can take a few days as the casino needs to verify you - this method also...
You want to go to: https://www.esportsplus.me/
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Hi! Was wondering if you guys have any ideas/know how to make money online? I'm currently looking for a job but wanted to do something in the meantime. I was selling/boosting League of Legends accounts but since preseason hit there's not many people that want to buy accounts or get boosted...