This tutorial is on how to make a notification box for your website.
This is the first of two parts, in which we will be creating the HTML and setting the messages.
Notification Box?
When I say a notification box, I mean one of those smooth and sliding information boxes which...
Greetings, I recently began to wonder if someone could ever make money through adult websites without ever needing to own a website. It just rattles me that there are tons of porn sites filled with million ads and hundreds of thousands of traffic per day. Surely there must be a way to exploite...
please help, i don't know if my post is againts the tos but rlly sorry if it is . i was doing research for almost year and half how to start crack targeted game on application or streaming services accounts but all i find is outdated toturials and as is i have lack of sources i didn't know where...
Luxify sniper leaked
One of the most advanced & fastest snipers of 2023.
- In go lang
- Ability to snipe gifts from links, qr codes, giveaways (with auto dm)
- Collection of server invites can collest thousands of server invites in few hours
- Use of filled discord tokens, never locks a token
So how do you people actually organize your time between learning stuff (Cracking, Programming...) & gaming (If you do)?
I cant keep balance for this so it's either I keep playing for months then I switch back to searching for new stuff but end up being lazy in few days & the loop goes around again