This is a Simple Logical Calculator
Here's the features:
1. Prime No.
2. Even/Odd No.
3. Armstrong No.
4. Palindrome No.
Use and Enjoy.
Thanks for visiting.
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time...
Submitted by:-
Akhilesh Sharma India / Punjab / Nawanshahr.
1. //Program to find the factorial of given number;
void main()
long num,fact=1;
cout<<"\n Enter the number to find the factorial: ";
DVD Listing System using C with Free Source Code
The DVD Listing System with Source Code is a project that can manage the listing DVD's. The system can help you organize and manage the list by entering such as DVD ID, DVD Name, Price, Quantity. The purpose of the system is to safely organize...
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Hey guys!,
I guy in the year below me got his account boosted and is being a annoying shit about it and I have his username / password but not his email
so I thought to shut him up I would login and get his account banned, only problem is I have no idea how to.
He does not know I have his user...