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  • Users: TheJesterG
  • Content: Threads
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  1. T

    Creating a Simple Login Form with User Levels in PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

    Hello guys, I have here an example of a login form with different user levels using PHP/MySQLi. This is easy and simple. To learn how to create a simple Login Form with user levels, please continue reading and I will show you how. Getting Started First, you have setup the following into your...
  2. T

    Student Grading System using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

    Project: Student Grading System using PHP/MySQL About The Student Grading System is a PHP/MySQL project that will help a certain secondary school manage the record grades record of their students. The system stores the grades per subject and grade level of each student per periodic grading...
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    The Rise And Rise: All About Currency Appreciation

    https://www.udemy.com/course/the-rise-and-rise-all-about-currency-appreciation/?couponCode=ACCAGE0923 https://filestore.me/zgdwkgxn73f3/The_Rise_and_Rise_All_About_Currency_Appreciation.rar Download File The Rise and Rise All About Currency Appreciation rar *** No permission to see content...
  4. T

    does the mods here get paid?

    if yes LET ME IN
  5. T

    For me bol from nulled io doesn't upgrade

    Every time i open bol craked and log in it keeps downgrade to patch 5.19 .... pm me please Edited by muie123, 19 October 2015 - 09:07 PM.
  6. T

    Some Random Unverifed Accounts on RU

    Netherbonex:nether1324 NightRikki:29913040s Lexolog:e9fkibe3 NocturalDemon:dedlol12 EnDeRIuaI:123wolksila SpoonerRUS:mazafaka1 Darikoth:habana91
  7. T

    About sites like LeagueCrack.io, League.mc-cs.pl...

    Is any of those legit? I don't have access to any private platform so they seem very appealing to me, but I have the feeling that they're a scam. Can someone confirm or give me one site that is actually legit? Thanks a lot.
  8. T

    Implementing SSRS Report LaYouts

    *** No permission to see content *** Download Implementing.SSRS.Report.Layouts.rar fast and secure rapidgator.net by maayoufi haidra
  9. T

    League of Legends account 100+

    givemesomethingiwant melene200142
  10. T

    BestBuyRdp Full Capture Config By @hardyisop

    *** No permission to see content *** ???????
  11. T

    How to make easy bitcoin ($40-$100) Daily

    Just join the telegram via this link https://t.me/BTC_Faucet_freebot?start=687333280 Now that you’ve joined, just run an autoclicker on the app and BOOM easy money. I’ve made at least $275 off this and I haven’t even had it for long DON'T LEECHHHHHHH
  12. T

    [Snipr] MbitCasino

    Type:Email:pass Proxies:Yes Caps:Balance I don't know if you can cashout please tell me if you know it! Download Link: *** No permission to see content *** Edited by db41994, 09 December 2017 - 12:46 PM.
  13. T

    1487x Socks4 List HQ High CPM for Cracking
  14. T

    âś…Passive income for just starting youre PC!âś… Earn a little amount of money per Month!âś…

    This is the best way to earn some little passive income while doing nothing. Lets get started with these steps. 1.Register here and download the windows app : https://earnapp.com/i/Crhz9avr 2.Now register here and download the free VPN : https://brightvpn.com/?r=Crhz9avr 3.Start the vpn on your...
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    Hello fellows!

    Hello guys! I am 20-something economic student with wide interest in gaming, IT and tech!
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    a reminder to stay optimistic and learn from what you see daily

    remember guys everything happens for a reason, learn for every single day you wake up. go outside alot and question life, question what you see. and stay fit. remember your protected and there is no such thing as coincidence. people you bump into regularly is no coincidence , go have a chat and...
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    Hi everyone, I am new here !

    Hi everyone ! I am new here ! Can't wait to contribute to the forum with my services. Let's see how this journey is going to be. Cheers !
  18. T

    I need a full minecraft access account

    please i need a minecraft premium account full access



