It provides facility to save important documents are of image format in database and Printing of documents......
database location - ..\PrintingProject\bin\Debug\DocDatabase.mdf
For students or anyone else who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software...
Online Shopping Cart System in PHP with Full Source Code
The Online Shopping Cart System is a web based system that is made up of PHP, JavaScript, CSS and MySQL for the database. This Online Shopping Cart System in PHP aims to give convenience to customers to buy their desired items from the...
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Tue, 06/09/2009 - 13:03
In ASP.NET, we can easily convert the Domain names to its related IP address like if a website like has a domain name i.e, It has also a corresponding Internet Protocol Address like...
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My name is Dom , I am a teenager living in the UK and like some people I want to become financially free to the point at which I can travel the world and not have to worry about money. This year I have started regularly exercising and eating more , I can see a big improvement in my mental...