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  • Users: chile666
  • Content: Threads
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  1. C

    PHP - Insert Data to INI File

    In this tutorial we will create a Insert Data to INI File using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. It is a lean and consistent way to access databases. This means developers can write portable code much easier. It is mostly used by a newly coders...
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    Event CRUD in FullCalendar using PHP and jQuery Tutorial

    In this tutorial, I will show how to Create CRUD Operation in FullCalendar with PHP and MySQL Database. here, you will learn to add, edit, view, and delete events on the calendar. The events will be stored in MySQL Database. This feature can be useful for your future PHP Projects such as...
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    x2 League of Legends OCE Unverified

    take a second to rate my thread positive, if it was helpful for you
  4. C

    Doubt about an acc with 480 skins, what should i do

    I bought an acc with 480 skins, offline since 30 november 2015, should i keep the acc for myself or resell?
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    Multi/Others MagicDork V3.4.5

    *** No permission to see content *** MagicDork_v3.4.5.rar - Download. Upload.ee *** No permission to see content ***
  6. C

    📢Bulk Leak ⬆️ Sharing these material

    Download: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/6.6/png/unicode/64/1f4e2.pngBulkhttps://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/6.6/png/unicode/64/2b06.pngSharing these material ,because i hope you all will learn and develop any new skills !! These all are not my course !! So please share with...
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    Become a R Shiny Ninja

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    5x Br accounts. lvl 30 unranked

    Fhan:amapa987415 TheTrashmen:silver24 skyner18:iam156 nasadreno1:Lampard8 Kronosz:marmig50 vagnerotavio:iraci1994 Julianosuzano:juliano1998 lucasbomfim22:23as23as AntonioBobNeto:neto25789 henriquesantos6:jh191084 igorsilva93:rob1993 SchettiniRJ:lukinhas13 candysweetie:godwars123...
  9. C

    Need Help to find the best store for me

    Hello guys, i am selling instagram accounts in my free time but i deiced to lunch a store to sell accounts like instagram, PS4, lol, etc... the problem is paypal is banned in my country so i need an store that i can withdraw it to payoneer or CC didn't try yet selly or shoppy so what do you guys...
  10. C

    register in Telegram without personal phone number

    The thing is that I would be interested in having a telegram account without my personal number. I know that you have the phone number at least to be able to log in, I would prefer not to do it... I tried a website where they gave you phone numbers but it is something that did not work... any...
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    I am the owner of unicorn accounts

    @ muahahaha
  12. C

    [New] x184 Minecraft Premium Alts

  13. C

    Abadu Licensing - Cheap Licenses cPanel, Directadmin, Plesk, and more

    Hey everyone. Our licensing system is currently in a closed beta stage. Our pricing is one-time and cheap. Products include cPanel, Plesk, Directadmin, Cloudlinux, Litespeed, and more. Send me an email for more details. abadulicensing@ For a single server, all products just $15 once.
  14. C

    Win bitcoin for free easy way.

    So yea u need to add it as extension just click the link add it as extension in google chrome and go mine and easy win. https://getcryptotab.com/1898187
  15. C


    Hi there! For those who plays NA Region on League Of Legends, hope you enjoy! x200 Accounts, random activity, random rank, random BE & random RP. All of them are working. Had been checked on 10th May 2022. *** No permission to see content *** Leave ur like if it had been useful for you :P...
  16. C

    Multi/Others ⭐ BLTOOLS V.2.7 + 80X PROJ FILES ⭐ COOKIES CHECKER ⭐ NEW ✅ 2024

    *** No permission to see content *** https://t.me/goldendragoncourse https://t.me/goldendragonshop
  17. C

    Who should be G2's new jungler?

    With Jankos sadly gone, who do you think is the best fit for the new G2 team? as of reports and rumors the team right now looks like this: TOP: BrokenBlade, JG: [Blank], MID: CaPs, BOT: Hans Sama, SUPP: Mikyx Which begs the question, is there a jungler available that fits and helps this G2...
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    ⚡ Goat Simulator 3 PC | FREE DOWNLOAD⚡ #1 ✅

    Don't forget to leave a like to avoid getting banned for leeching!
  19. C

    How to crack any account with OpenBullet

    DONT FORGET TO LEAVE A LIKE The following is a step by step tutorial followed by gifs. Required - OpenBullet Configs Step 1. To begin with, you are going to need a ComboList. You can get a free ComboList in the forum. If you are new, please do not attempt to make your own ComboList. It's a...



